Hard Work Pays

You cannot argue against this point. You can try – You can make excuses – You can say that works in theory. But you and I both know that all over this planet there is a group of people (lets call them the 1%) that are working harder than you every single day.

Maybe YOU are part of that 1% of over-achievers, overcomer’s – those that don’t care what others say or think about them.

YOU know that hard work pays. Heck, even above average work pays as most of the time – you just gotta show up.

You may not like bodybuilding at all – but watch this video and key on this phrase “you have to enjoy training”.

Find out what a Navy SEAL has to say about “Hard Work” and “Second Chances”

Look at yourself and ask yourself that question.  Did you pay the price?  Did you give it your all?  If so – it paid.

What will you do today to work hard and make it pay?  Email me now and let me know.

About the Author:
bradBrad McLeod knows first hand about mental toughness after being kicked out of a top tier Spec Ops training unit. He failed out of BUD/S the first time after failing a math test (made it through Hell Week and Dive Pool Comp). He came back a year later and graduated and served as an operator on the Navy SEAL Teams.

Today he is one of the most sought after mental conditioning coaches in the world today having recently returned from Ireland, Southern California, Pennsylvania and parts unknown in north Florida. SEALgrinderPT audios and Ebooks have been downloaded in 20 different countries around the globe.

Check out SEALgrinderPT Coaching to help you step up and take hold of your dreams and realize your goals.

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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