Helen workout 4-8-15

Helen workout
3 rdsft (rounds for time)
400 meter run 21 kettlebell swings 1.5 pood (35 lbs)
12 pull ups
*if no kettle bell then use dumb bell. If no kettle bell then do burpees or improvise with a sand bag or ruck/backpack filled with 35 lbs.
note time in comments below

Advanced athletes can double run to 800 meters in length
Beginner athletes can do Australian pull ups.

Video – how to make a sand bag to use as a kettle bell for Helen workout

Check out these Helen workout tips from SEALgrinderPT.com

Yoga cobra stretch   – 10
Yoga frog stretch  – 10 minutes
Plie squat stretch  – 10 (really work to get your knees out and stretch)
10 minutes of deep breathing/meditation/visualization

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