Are You Capable of 20X More?

Are You Capable of 20X More?

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Good question? The reality is that most people think they are maxed out and pushed to the limit.

I say most people – because if your reading this article – then YOU are not “most people”.

You have decided to step up and find something more in life – push yourself – as you know deep down you have more inside.

At 19 I embarked on a journey – not knowing that I would have all of my earlier ideas about myself stripped bare and exposed – as I went into the Navy and failed out of BUDS.

Yeah; it was uncomfortable.

But in that moment of temporary failure – I truly saw that I was capable of much much more.

I set out on a journey for that next year. I read books like mad and did vicious P-90X style workouts in the dungeon basement of the ship.

Are you in that same boat? Maybe had a temporary failure and looking for the right path?

Or you really haven’t been challenged – and know deep down you have so much more to prove to yourself.

Its hard… when you have those feelings inside. You can try to escape – catch a movie with friends. Drown yourself at the local bar or whatever.

But in the end your back where you started and you begin to think again – What if?

What if…. I could be something more.. than I am right now.

What if I push myself more and help more people? Be a better Dad or business person?


Those are powerful words when you begin to ask yourself in that way.

You are no longer the “victim” – now you are the Empowerer.

What will you do today to step out of the shadows and face your fears — push yourself?

Check out todays blog post with a 20X Challenge graduate – HERE

Email me and let me know if your interested in 20x as I will personally train you if you decide to come forward to do the event in ATLanta.

About the Author:
bradBrad McLeod knows first hand about mental toughness after being kicked out of a top tier Spec Ops training unit. He failed out of BUD/S the first time after failing a math test (made it through Hell Week and Dive Pool Comp). He came back a year later and graduated and served as an operator on the Navy SEAL Teams.

Check out SEALgrinderPT Coaching to help you step up and take hold of your dreams and realize your goals.

Top 10 Tips to prepare for SEALFIT 20X Challenge
SGPT Interviews 20X Challenge graduate Michael Nealon
Check out this article on Kokoro camp tips
Check out this article – Kokoro Tips Part 2 – Survive the First Hour
How to Create Your Own Luck

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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