SGPT Interviews Spartan Race Finisher Brian Ouellete

Brian Ouellete Spartan race interview

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from and where do you train?

Let’s see. I was born and raised in East Millinocket Maine, which is as small as it sounds. I’m now living in Ozark Missouri. To trained for this race I did a lot of hill training on treadmills at the Ozark Community Center. I used a treadmill hill workout program l got from blogs done by current Spartan racers. In addition to this, I used an altitude training mask l purchased from Amazon.

Growing up l ran cross country in high school. I was inspired to try Spartan races by my brother in law.

The hardest part of the event for me was the altitude. My training with the altitude mask helped. I also did mindfulness deep breathing exercises to help train. I worked a lot in my core and upper body strength. I also worked on my vo2 max threshold.

I did do some modified ruck training. I would put my son in a kid carrier backpack and walk a couple of miles with him. Ozark Missouri has a lot of hills and having him on my back was a workout. I also did sandbag thrusters as well as kettlebell workouts. Since I am over 50, I focused on doing strength and endurance training.

My main tip for anyone thinking about doing a Spartan race is don’t assume anything. Train for cardio and endurance. Strength training will help also. I also recommend cross training with a bike or elliptical as part of the workouts they’re doing. And of course the sgpt workouts are a help.

I think the last thing I want to say is don’t let these races define themselves

When I say don’t let it define you, I mean don’t get discouraged. I was a dnf( did not finish) on the first Spartan Beast Race l tried. Rather than get discouraged, I reviewed my training, l made corrections in my training. I also learned that I was anemic, which explains why I didn’t finish the first Spartan l tried. I learned and let my first dnf refine me. I would say don’t let the Hills psych them out. Each race can be a learning experience.

Brad l forgot to mention that Spartan Races are more mental. Mental preparation is just as important as physical training. Anyone going to sign up for a Spartan race should also study the course they will be racing on. And most importantly if they don’t finish, they should not let discouragement get the better of them. Let it teach them.


I have done half marathon races in my past. I have noticed some competitors complain when they are only four miles in, while I saw some that said that they are either four miles closer to the finish line or they have four less miles to worry about. When I say don’t let it define them. I mean don’t let any setbacks discourage them where they give up.


SGPT: Did you have an athletic background growing up?


SGPT: Tell us a little about the event? Where was it?


SGPT: How did you train for the Spartan Race?


SGPT: What was hardest part of the event?


SGPT: What kind of boots/trail running shoes did you use for training/the event?

BO: I used Saucony trail shoes for my training. I also used cheap running shoes l saw on Temu and am not doing that again.

SGPT: Did you use double socks or body glide on your feet to prevent blisters? How did you prep your feet for training and the event?

BO: I did use double socks. I didn’t use body glide for this event, but have used it in the past and highly recommend it. Mole skin is another item I recommend people have on hand. I also recommend having pickle juice or mustard packets for the cramps. Granted the pickle juice has a unique taste but it does help with cramps.

SGPT: Did you do any ruck hiking / sandbag workouts for your training?

SGPT: Did you train only with treadmill? Any trail running?

BO: I did both. Looking back I think I should have done more trail running.

I think trail running can get a person mentally ready for the unpredictable nature of trails

SGPT: What is one thing you wish you would have done to get ready for a Spartan Race event?


SGPT: Any tips for up and coming athletes that want to do a Spartan Race event or something similar?

BO: As far as what I wished I had done; I wish I had done more hill and trail training. There’s a place called Dogwood Canyon l could have trained at.

Also adding yoga and plenty of stretching is a definite plus. And don’t forget the gu gels and some type of nutrition such as protein bars for eating out on the course.

SGPT: What good book/ podcast are you reading /listening to now?

BO: I just finished reading Endure by Cameron Hanes. I haven’t listened to podcasts in a while but am planning on starting soon.

I also finished David Goggins new book ,Never Finished “.

SGPT: Many thanks for the interview Brian.

BO: Thanks!

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