Archive: Interviews

SGPT Interviews Pico Cristobal climber Hector Robles

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from and where do you train? HR: SGPT: Did you have an athletic background growing up? HR: SGPT: Tell us about the climb? Where was it and how did you decide to climb this big mountain? HR: SGPT: How did you train for the ascent of Pico... Read More

SGPT Interviews Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim finisher Laurence McCullough

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from and where do you train? LM: I am 46 yrs old from Atlanta, Georgia. I have been married for 16 years and have 3 boys that I like to adventure with. I run and ruck at my local national park Island Ford 5 min from my... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Mount Kilimanjaro climber Niklas Girman”

SGPT Interviews Mount Kilimanjaro climber Niklas Girman

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from and where do you train? NG: Hello Coach Brad, I come from Germany and grew up in Hamburg in the north. After University I moved more and more south. Right now I live together with my family in Lichtenstein since eleven years. Six years ago I... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Alpinist Chris B. Warner”

SGPT Interviews Alpinist Chris B. Warner

In this interview, we dive deep into the incredible story of Chris B. Warner — a climber, adventurer, and business leader who has summited all fourteen of the world’s 8,000-meter peaks. He’s lived a life shaped by high-stakes challenges, unshakable determination, and an unwavering commitment to helping others along the way. Chris’s journey didn’t begin... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Long Walker Mark Clingen”

SGPT Interviews Long Walker Mark Clingen

What happens when confidence meets the grind? Sometimes, we think we’re ready to conquer the mission, but the reality hits harder than expected. That’s where the real lessons come in. Mark Clingen took on the challenge of a 24-hour “long walk,” and he didn’t just complete it—he walked away with some hard-earned wisdom. His story... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Finisher Eddie Jesinsky”

SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Finisher Eddie Jesinsky

They say that the waiting is the hardest part. It can wear on you mentally.  But once you start the event you find out that you belong and that mental fear disappears. “For me, the hardest part was the anticipation and anxiety prior to and during the first grinder session- after realizing I could make... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Jocelyn Outlaw – Barkley’s Fall Challenge”

SGPT Interviews Jocelyn Outlaw – Barkley’s Fall Challenge

“It’s an incredibly and devastatingly challenging, soul crushing race but somehow, you leave every bit of yourself out there and are still smiling regardless of how far you make it.” Those words are from long time SGPT athlete and endurance runner Jocelyn Outlaw. Check out this great personal interview and learn more about a unique... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews John Sites SEALFIT 20X Challenge Finisher”

SGPT Interviews John Sites SEALFIT 20X Challenge Finisher

”The hardest thing I’ve ever done, but the preparation paid off and I grew in ways that were truly transformational. The mental toughness and breathing techniques prepared me for when my body wanted to quit. I wish I could share the powerful lessons with everyone, but some of them are built through the adversity of... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews SEALFIT Kokoro Finisher Matt Wilding”

SGPT Interviews SEALFIT Kokoro Finisher Matt Wilding

At SGPT we talk alot about stepping up to the next level. About finding a way to win. At all times you have that ability within you. Your mind’s eye  allows you to see your destination. If you see yourself completing a task – then your mind and body will believe that it is possible.... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Istanbul Marathoner Sadettin Yağız Osma”

SGPT Interviews Istanbul Marathoner Sadettin Yağız Osma

No matter where you find yourself on the globe – we all have something in common. We love to get outside and test ourselves against the obstacles and elements. That is where real growth occurs when you are pushing yourself to the outer limits. Sadettin “Yagiz” Osma lives in Istanbul, Turkey where he trains for... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews GORUCK Tough Finisher Enam Hoq”

SGPT Interviews GORUCK Tough Finisher Enam Hoq

By Brad McLeod 3-31-24 Growing up in a discipline environment will pay dividends in the long run. You find out that discipline is your friend. It allows you to go many places that others would never dream. Discipline builds character which gets results at the finish line. Check out Enam Hoq’s journey as he builds... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Orca 100 Finisher Glenn Bland”

SGPT Interviews Orca 100 Finisher Glenn Bland

Moss doesnt grow on a rolling stone. Or so the saying goes. Glenn Bland is not one to rest on his laurels after finally finishing SEALFIT Kokoro (you can read the SGPT interview here). It is a common trait to see successful people (and athletes) as they go on to continue to find more and... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Arrowhead 135 Finisher Joe Falcone”

SGPT Interviews Arrowhead 135 Finisher Joe Falcone

“Today I will do what others will not. So that tomorrow I can achieve what others cannot.” Joe Falcone lived up to those words. His goal was to finish the Arrowhead 135 mile. A brutal overland race covered with snow, ice and heavy winds. His problem? He lived in Florida. Check out the SGPT interview... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Finisher Craig Graves”

SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Finisher Craig Graves

If your reading this blog post you all ready subscribe to the idea that a team cannot reach its peak performance until it has faced significant challenges together. It is a valuable lesson that will serve you well in times of adversity and obstacles. It is those moments that you either fail or grow. Craig... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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