SGPT Interviews GORUCK Tough Finisher Enam Hoq

By Brad McLeod 3-31-24

Growing up in a discipline environment will pay dividends in the long run.

You find out that discipline is your friend. It allows you to go many places that others would never dream. Discipline builds character which gets results at the finish line.

Check out Enam Hoq’s journey as he builds discipline and confidence at an early age and puts it to work later on in life to get the job done.

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SGPT: Tell us about yourself?

EH: A chunk of my childhood was spent in the UK. I came to the US for college and have been here since. I am currently a professor at a small university in MA. I teach mathematics.

SGPT: Did you have an athletic background growing up?

As a youngster I was fortunate to have lived close to woods and other outdoor places to run around in whenever I wanted to. Between ages 11 – 13, I attended a very strict British boarding school. The headmaster was an ex-military officer and he ran the school accordingly. We had team sports 6 days a week with PT thrown in.

During the summers we also had a (mandatory) run every evening. This school instilled in me a sense of discipline and taught me the importance of health and fitness. By todays standards it probably would be considered a harsh place for kids that age, but I look back at those years very fondly. Since then, I have always stayed physically active.

SGPT: How did you train for the GORUCK event?

Most recently, I have done two programs: (i) SGPT 60-Day GORUCK Training Plan, and (ii)

the workout series SGPT So, You Want to be a Ranger?

I also made sure to do extra PT with my ruck on and to ruck with a heavier weight than is expected for the event.

Also, one day each week I would set aside a few hours to do a self-imposed challenge (e.g. an extra long ruck, box step-ups with a ruck on for 3 – 4 hours, extra long grinder PT session, etc).

SGPT: Tell us a little about the event? Where was it?

EH: The event was the GORUCK Bragg HTB. I participated in the Tough and Basic portions of the event. There was a lot of PT, log and sandbag carries, and distance covered (all with ruck on).

We were divided into teams and reminded that it pays to be a winner! The Tough portion was about 12 hours while the Basic portion was about 5 hours. The event was held at the Special Forces (SFA) Chapter 1-18 not far from Fort Bragg.

SGPT: What was hardest part of the event?

EH: I would say the (long) log and sandbag carries, and some elements of the PT sessions. We were also given instructions to perform tasks that involved problem solving and then required us to execute these tasks in a relatively short time (it pays to be a winner!)

SGPT: What is one thing you wish you would have done to get ready for a GR event?

EH: I wish I had done even more PT with my ruck on and more sandbag WODs with ruck on.

SGPT: Any tips for up and coming athletes that want to do GR event?

EH: Yes; I have 4 tips to give you.

#1. Be sure to ruck a lot. Know what weight will be required and then slowly build up to 10 – 15 lbs more than that. (ii) Well before the event, when going for a ruck be sure to occasionally carry additional weight like a sandbag.

#2. Change up how you carry it. So one time, carry it across your shoulders, or put it on one shoulder, or do a suitcase carry.

#3. Include PT with a ruck on.

#4. Once a week, set up something challenging and longer than your usual WODs.

#5. Keep your diet on point. Avoid crappy food.

SGPT: What kind of boots did you use for the event?

EH: I wore the GORUCK MACV-2 mid top. Excellent boots!

SGPT: Did you use double socks or body glide on your feet to prevent blisters?

EH: Yes, I wore double socks. The outer socks were Darn Tough while the inner layer were Injinji.

These are good socks and I had absolutely no issues. I did apply body glide.

SGPT: What kind of backpack/ruck did you use for training and the event?

EH: For a ruck – I used the GORUCK Rucker Long Range.

It’s a 33L with a hip belt. It has lots of compartments to help organize stuff.

SGPT: What book are you reading now? Do you have a good podcast you have been listening to?

EH: I just started Apollo 13 by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger.

Three podcasts that I listen to are, the Jocko Podcast, the Joe Rogan Podcast and Chris Williamson’s the Modern Wisdom Podcast.

SGPT: Many thanks for the interview Enam, you are an inspiration to all of the athletes at Team SGPT.

EH: Thanks Coach! I appreciate the interview and to tell my story.

About the Author:

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Do you have a big event on the horizon and you want to finish the drill?

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