What is the Rucksack used at SEALFIT Kokoro?

Once a month we get this question from our readers. What is the rucksack used at SEALFIT Kokoro?

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Question: What rucksack is used at SEALFIT Kokoro?

kokoro backpack Can I buy one to use so I can get used to it? The backpack used at Kokoro is a Rothco Black Canvas Outfitter Rucksack very basic and cheap in price $27.
Question we get from athletes “Why can’t we bring our own custom plush tricked out ruck sack with hip straps?” Because life isn’t fair and you gotta work with what is issued and make the best of it.

Check out this video about SEALFIT Kokoro and you will see the ruck being used.

Check out the Rothco Black Canvas Outfitter Rucksack @ Amazon.com

This pack is not very comfortable but it is what you will use for Kokoro so get used to it.  The straps can break at the pack if you put a lot of weight in it.

It does not have a hip belt or kidney pads. If you train with a plush cushy rucksack back at home you may want to think about that before you come to Kokoro. I have observed more than one athlete grimace as they put on a sand choked “Kokoro rucksack”.

Tip #1
Train like you will work at SEALFIT Kokoro. Go get wet and sandy and then ruck or do flutter kicks. If you have a nearby lake or beach or edge of a creek – then go there and train.

Rucksack workout #1
ruck 2 miles with 30 lb pack
10 rounds of Cindy
ruck 2 miles back to base
record time in comments below.

Questions from athletes in our gym and online.

Do you have a good sock for endurance events that you can recommend?

Yes; I really like Darn Tough socks. I have two pairs that I rotate that they have yet to wear out.

Question: Why is the backpack so basic and not a cushy Maxpedition Falcon-Ii Backpack?

Why dont they let you use your own backpack that you have been training with at home for over 6 months? That seems a little unfair?

Because when you go to Special Forces training you will not be issued a cushy pack.

You will have to prove you are worthy of a basic pack. If your looking for cushy this is the wrong place.

It also proves to you that sometimes in life you will have to make do with what you have and stop bitching about it. Just pick up the tool you have and do the best that you can with it.

Question: What is the pipe that the Kokoro athletes carry?

Answer: It is 1.5 inch PVC pipe filled with sand. It stands chest high so about 5 ft long. You can make it for cheap and add PVC end caps or you can cover ends with duck tape. I have one at home and use it for light overhead lifting and warmups.

Video “what is a Kokoro sand pipe”

Question: Do you have a list of recommend book to read before Kokoro or Navy SEAL training? Yes; Check out this list of recommended books.

Question: “Coach, I have heard you talk about double socks? What are the sock liners you wear?” I use the Wigwam Dry Foot Liner Sock

I prep my feet by putting Bodyglide Original Anti-Chafe Balm on my feet.

I then put on an outer Smartwool Men’s Hiking Medium Crew Sock

Question: Why does SEALFIT use a backpack that can break under heavy load? Because that is what may happen in the real world on an operation. You need to be ready for anything at anytime.

Question: How round are the pvc pipes at sealfit kokoro and how heavy are they — how to make them?

Answer: They are PVC pipes 1.5 inches in diameter and filled with stand. Make sure that you use a white color so that Joe Citizen will not think you are carrying a weapon or LAW rocket. We have had the police called on us for looking like we are a militia training in the park.

About the Author:
Are you interested in training for an endurance event like SEALFIT 20X, GORUCK or a Spartan Race?

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Do you have a big event on the horizon and you want to finish the drill?

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Check out this article on Kokoro camp tips
Kokoro Tips Part 2 – Survive the First Hour
SGPT Tips to break in your boots
SGPT Interviews SEALFIT Kokoro Graduate Lucky Nghi

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