SEAL grinder PT Interviews Kokoro Graduate Chris Huzyak

Check out this SEALgrinderPT interview with Chris Huzyak who is a graduate from Kokoro class 5.  Chris is a true warrior and has the ultimate dream of going through BUD/S to be an operator on a SEAL Team.

SGPT: Tell us a little about your background coming into SEALFIT Kokoro?

CH: As far as my athletic background goes, I played football and baseball my whole life so I think the one advantage I had was being able to work well on a team.

All of us that made it through worked really well together.

So I think I did well on that side of things but at the same time I had just recently started training for BUD/s and I did not really understand what it took to be fit for a Special Operations Selection.

Boy did I have no idea what was to come.

Check out Darn Tough Socks worn at Kokoro and BUDS training

SGPT: What was the hardest part of Kokoro for you?

CH: Well usually guys have a problem with the mental aspect of it all. For me, it was the other way around because I had the mental toughness thing down but my running and overall endurance was not where it needed to be. I would have moments where I would do really good and moments where I would suck.

SGPT: How did you prepare for Kokoro and how long?

CH: I was given a one week notice by Mark Divine before the camp, along with my other friend and we both stepped up and took the challenge. Back then I was training at your typical globo gym and not getting much out of that, it showed. I think I was doing the WOD back in those days and you can’t really improve your scores trying to do those types of workouts in a LA Fitness, especially without a certified Crossfit coach watching you.

SGPT: What is one tip you would give a candidate for Kokoro to take heed?

CH: Make sure this is something that you absolutely sure  you want to do. You don’t need to be superman but do show up in good shape.With that said, we had a could kids with orders to BUDs drop out after the first couple evolutions. Everything looks easy when your sitting at home watching those class 234 videos on youtube but it is a completely different ball game when your the one out there actually doing it. It might not be easy but its not impossible. Oh yeah, the pacific ocean is toasty warm.

SGPT: What kind of boots did you wear during the event?

CH: I wore the Bates boots

SGPT: Did you use double socks or body glide on your feet?

CH: I wore double socks (socks with liners).

SGPT: What kind of ruck (backpack) did you use in training before the event?

CH: I actually didn’t really ruck. I had just started training back then so you can imagine how bad I got my ass kicked. My mind is what got me through that weekend but I was physically not conditioned for that.

SGPT: How does it feel to be done and what have you learned?

CH: I learned a lot about myself out there on the beach, yeah I did workouts before the camp but nothing like what I encountered at SEALFIT Kokoro. Back then I was gung ho and just wanted to go to BUDs but did the camp and was not ready. I just completed the camp but did not go there to compete which is the type of mindset anyone needs, in my mind to make it through. I am a completely different person now than I was before, both physically and mentally. Bottom line is SEAL training is no joke, you have to be ready for it mentally but also need to have those basic physical skills down so your ready for the suck.


Kokoro Class 5

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