Windham Weaponry SRC vs Mossberg MMR AR-15

Check out the reviews, videos and tips about the Windham Weaponry SRC vs Mossberg MMR AR-15 and you decide if it is good enough for your arsenal.

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The AR-15 platform offers a wide range of options, and Windham Weaponry and Mossberg are two prominent manufacturers known for their AR-15 rifles. In this comparison review, we will evaluate the Windham SRC (Sight Ready Carbine) and the Mossberg MMR (Mossberg Modern Rifle) based on factors such as build quality, performance, reliability, and overall customer satisfaction. Our aim is to assist you in making an informed decision when choosing between these two rifles.


Both the Windham SRC and Mossberg MMR are built with solid craftsmanship, but there are slight differences in their construction. Windham Weaponry SRC rifles are known for their high-quality manufacturing standards, utilizing forged receivers and stringent quality control processes. The result is a robust and reliable rifle with durable components. Mossberg MMR rifles also offer a solid build quality, utilizing forged or billet receivers and quality materials. While Mossberg rifles are generally well-built, some users have reported occasional finish inconsistencies.


Reliability is a crucial factor when it comes to firearms, and both Windham Weaponry and Mossberg aim to provide dependable rifles. Windham SRC rifles have earned a reputation for their reliability, with users often praising their consistent functionality.

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Windham Weaponry has a strong customer support system in place to address any potential issues. Mossberg MMR rifles have generally positive feedback regarding reliability, with users reporting smooth operation and minimal malfunctions. However, some users have reported occasional issues, highlighting the importance of thorough testing and maintenance.

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Both Windham SRC and Mossberg MMR rifles offer various features and customization options to suit individual preferences. The Windham SRC comes sight ready, allowing users to choose their preferred optics. It features a Picatinny rail for easy accessory attachment. Mossberg MMR rifles also offer customization options, including different barrel lengths, handguards, and furniture choices. Mossberg rifles often come equipped with Magpul accessories, enhancing functionality and ergonomics.


When comparing the Windham SRC and Mossberg MMR AR-15 rifles, both brands offer reliable options with solid build quality. Windham Weaponry SRC rifles are well-regarded for their high-quality manufacturing standards, consistent performance, and customer satisfaction. Mossberg MMR rifles also provide reliable performance and offer customization options to suit individual preferences.

Choosing between the two depends on your specific needs, preferences, and priorities. If you prioritize a proven track record of reliability and consistent performance, Windham SRC is a reliable choice.

However, if customization options and the inclusion of Magpul accessories are important to you, Mossberg MMR rifles offer a range of choices. It is recommended to handle and test-fire AR-15 rifles from both brands, if possible, to assess personal comfort and performance before making a final decision.

Question: What can I do to protect my gun rights? Check out the NRA website here:

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