Convict Conditioning Volume 5 Maximum Strength: The One-Arm Pullup Series Review

Convict Conditioning Volume 5

Convict Conditioning Volume 5: Maximum Strength: The One-Arm Pullup Series Review

Maximum Strength: The One-Arm Pullup Series Review

Dragon Door is proud to announce a new
Release in the popular Convict Conditioning series:

Convict Conditioning Volume 5:
Maximum Strength: The One-Arm Pullup Series

The original Convict Conditioning book by Paul Wade has gone down in history as quite possibly the Best BodyWeight Exercise book ever.  See new info as Con-Con goes more in depth.

Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning Volume 5, Maximum Strength: The One-Arm Pullup Series explodes out of the cellblock to teach you in absolute detail how to progress from the relative ease of a Vertical Pull—to the stunning, “1-in-1,000” achievement of the One-Arm Pull-Up. Ten progressive steps guide you to inevitable mastery of this ultimate exercise for the upper back, steely, bulging biceps and etched abs. DVD 59 minutes with Companion Manual, 88 pages

This home-study course in ultimate survival strength comes replete with bonus material not available in Paul Wade’s original Convict Conditioning book—and numerous key training tips that refine and expand on the original program.

Save $6.00 until October 16th- Regularly priced at 59.95 Now until October 16th only $53.95


This home-study course in ultimate survival strength comes replete with bonus material not available in Paul Wade’s original Convict Conditioning book—and numerous key training tips that refine and expand on the original program.

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