Team SGPT:
Back in the groove of things now and looking to keep spreading the message of improving 1% daily.
If you improve only 1% every week – think of how great you will be at the end of the year?
What will you do today to help move the ball forward towards the end zone?
You will be like the snake — shedding your old skin and becoming new again.
Which brings us to your daily practice.
What you do on a daily basis decides your outlook and height you will attain in life.
Do you complain or continue to keep going in the mindless direction that your going in?
Or do you pick yourself up and have a positive attitude and go out to challenge yourself daily?
How you practice daily makes all of the difference in your destinations in life.
Want to get 1% better every day? SGPT’s Mental Training System is a 30 Day Reset Program designed to get your performing at peak mental and physical levels.
If you get rid of all of the negative people in your life – you will pretty much eliminate negative things happening to you.
Check out todays SGPT blog post “Practice makes Perfect” as we continue this discussion on our daily practice and improving ourselves 1% daily.
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About the Author:
Brad McLeod knows first hand about mental toughness after being kicked out of a top tier Spec Ops training unit. He failed out of BUD/S the first time after failing a math test (made it through Hell Week and Dive Pool Comp).
He came back a year later and graduated and served as an operator on the Navy SEAL Teams with a total of 6 years of military service.
Contact Brad
Check out SEALgrinderPT Coaching to help you step up and take hold of your dreams and realize your goals.
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