Interview with SGPT athlete Adam Clark

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from and where do you train?

AC:I’m just a normal 27 y/o. Im from a small town outside Atlanta. I train now in Savannah.

SGPT: How did you hear about SEALgrinderPT (SGPT) and get started?

AC: Instagram.

SGPT: Which program did you start with and why did you choose that one?

AC: Tier one workout, I chose it due to challenge and knew I was in decent shape to go for it.

SGPT: Do you work out at home or local gym? What equipment do you use for workouts?

AC: Both, anything I can use to get it done. If I lack something I try and find another way to engage muscles in similar fashion.

SGPT: How long have you been on that workout series and what were your results?

AC: I’ve been through it two times, once just the tier one, second time was with running and breathing program. Increased endurance, better times and cal reps.

SGPT: How has your nutrition been during the workout series?

AC: I generally eat healthy, occasionally fried foods get to me but pretty good eater.

SGPT: How has your sleep averaged and are you getting enough rest days?

AC: Depends on the amount of work accomplished in a day. I average 7-8 hours.

SGPT: What is one thing that you would like to see in future workouts?

AC: The SGPT Tier one workout was something I found hard to scale sometimes. Overall good workout and gives me confidence. The breathing was a new concept so idk what to recommend. Running, I’m not the best at but I liked its simplicity.

SGPT: Thanks for the interview and great job on pushing forward 1% and making gains!

AC: Thanks, these workouts have made me more confident in my ability to make it through the tough training. God willing I will make it, and hope to have the opportunities to save lives in my service.

April of last year my Past test was: 5 pull ups, 50 push, 55 sits, 1.5 mile at 12:45 500m swim 12:30

Now: 15 pulls, 65 push, 65 sits, 1.5 9:45, 500m 8:55.
The results speak for them selves, I was running a small business during this, if I can do it anyone can.

SGPT Interviews CrossFit Elite Athlete Chase Ingraham
SGPT Interview with Jay Shepard

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