Question of the Week: How do I push past temporary pain?

My question is simple, I know the saying that it is 80% mental and 20% physical. So how do you push yourself to do more pushups and pullups when you feel like you cant go on. Do I slowly work my way up so I can do those crazy amount of reps. I know it seems obvious because you just push yourself, but what do you do to push yourself. from Bob W.

Pushing past temporary pain, whether it’s during exercise, in a challenging situation, or in pursuit of a goal, can be mentally and physically demanding. Here are some strategies to help you endure and overcome temporary pain:

Mind over Matter: Often, the mind can be a powerful tool for overcoming physical discomfort. Remind yourself that the pain is temporary and that you can endure it. Focus on your mental strength and resilience.

Set Clear Goals: Having a clear and meaningful goal can help you stay motivated when facing pain. Concentrate on your objective, whether it’s finishing a race, completing a workout, or achieving a personal milestone.

Control Your Breathing: Deep, controlled breathing can help you manage pain and discomfort. Focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling rhythmically to calm your nervous system.

Break It Down: Sometimes, looking at the bigger picture can be overwhelming. Instead, break the task into smaller, manageable steps. This makes the pain more bearable as you focus on one step at a time.

Positive Self-Talk: Use positive affirmations and self-talk to encourage yourself. Remind yourself of your capabilities and past successes. Replace negative thoughts with constructive and motivating ones.

Visualize Success: Imagine yourself successfully pushing through the pain and achieving your goal. Visualization can boost your confidence and help you endure discomfort.

Distraction: In some situations, mental distraction can help you momentarily shift your focus away from the pain. Think about something enjoyable or engaging to divert your attention.

Pain Assessment: Continuously assess the pain you’re experiencing. If it’s a sharp or severe pain that may indicate an injury, it’s important to prioritize safety and seek medical attention if necessary. Know the difference between discomfort and potential harm.

Support System: If possible, have a support system in place. This could be a training partner, coach, or even friends and family who understand your goals and can encourage you.

Practice: Building tolerance to discomfort takes practice. Gradually expose yourself to increasing levels of discomfort during training or exercise. Over time, your ability to manage pain can improve.

Learn Your Limits: While pushing through pain can be a valuable skill, it’s also essential to know your limits and when to stop to prevent injury. There’s a difference between pushing past discomfort and ignoring signs of serious harm.

Post-Pain Reward: Consider the rewards that will come after you’ve pushed past the pain. This can provide extra motivation to endure.

Remember that pain is your body’s way of signaling potential harm or overexertion, so it’s crucial to listen to your body. Pushing through pain should be a calculated decision and not reckless. If you’re unsure about whether it’s safe to continue, consult with a healthcare professional or coach for guidance.

because my “why” is greater than a small amount of temporary pain

try pushing yourself for 1 -2-3-4-5 days of hard work in hell week with no sleep

your WHY has to be really strong when you go into that zone of no sleep and extreme endurance workouts and team work.

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