Question of the Week: My life is upside down what do I do?

Hi coach! I hope all is well with you and your family. I’m sending this email in the hopes that you can help me change my attitude towards reaching my goals. I’m currently going through a divorce and I’ve given up on myself I have crossfit membership I don’t use, I’m not eating the way I should and drinking has became my best friend. Right now my goal is to develop a plan and work it each day. I know that a plan will at least be a start for to get back on track. Thank you for your time and have a blessed day. Joe S.

here are the steps

  1. Do the SGPT daily workouts and post your score in comments for accountability
  1. Eat good clean fuel and lose excess fat

  1. Read a good book daily at least 5 minutes at night.
  1. Daily deep breathing and affirmations

If you do these four steps daily you will become limitless. You can do anything.

We call it the Unfair Advantage

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Question of the Week: My life is Upside Down What Do I do?

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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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