Top 10 Bodyweight Core Exercises

best bodyweight core exercisesCheck out this list of the best bodyweight core exercises to add to your next workout routine. All you need is a hanging bar or rings and your are in business. Check it out.

#1 Walk Outs

Start in the bear crawl position and walk your hands out. Each time try to go further.

#2 Plank shoulder touch

In the pushup position try to touch your hand to the opposite shoulder.

#3 Back Bridge

Lay on your back and lift up your hips as high as you can go. Relax and lower back down.

#4 Tight Rotation

Stand tall and put your hands clasped straight in front of your shoulders. Keeping your hips tight move your hands back and forth rapidly while clasped together.

#5 Bird Dog Variations

Put you knees and hands on the floor. Kick one right leg out and then lift your left hand. Switch feet and hands and do the same.

#6 Plank Buzzsaw

Get into the pushup position with hands and feet on the ground and your back straight. Turn on to your side with one foot on the ground and the same side hand on the ground.

#7 Laying Bird Dog

Lay down on your back. Raise up your right knee and your left hand. Alternate.

#8 Hip Thrust

Put your back on a bench with feet on the ground. Raise up your hips as high as you can go. Relax and lower down.

#9 Hanging Leg raise

Jump up and grab a pull up bar or rings. Raise your knees or legs as high as you can go.

Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises

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