“Cajun Navy” Sails to Texas to Provide Rescue and Relief

Volunteers from Louisiana brought their makeshift flotilla to Texas to aid in search and rescue efforts, as well as helping to distribute supplies, food and much-needed relief to people caught in the recent devastation of Hurricane Harvey.

Starting with a 9-hour drive as a caravan from Baton Rouge, LA, the volunteers arrived in Humble, TX with bass boats, airboats, and other small motorized boats. After a training session with the sheriff’s department, the self-named “Cajun Navy” began searching for survivors, under the canopy of dark skies and driving rain.

Unfortunately, not everyone saw their efforts as helpful, as many of the Louisianan volunteers found themselves having to dodge bullets as they rescued both people and animals from the devastation.

The Cajun Navy, with little formal organization other than wanting to help, as given aid to other catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina and the floods that devastated Louisiana in 2016.


Also aiding in the efforts is the National Guard and the US Navy.


Team Rubicon’s Mission: Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.

CLICK HERE and support those in need or donate directly to Team Rubicon!

If you want to donate 100% the cost of either program, please go directly to a charity of your choice and let us know in comments what you donated and to whom so we can keep track.

Please note that, according to the Cajun Navy’s Facebook page, they ask that you not make donations to them as their needs are currently met







QUESTION: Hi Coach. Me and my friends got our hands on a log to add to the gym we built in a shed in my backyard. Do you have any workouts we can do with it?

ANSWER: Yes; check out this article–Log PT Workout Tips. It has a lot of great ideas. If you and your friends get creative and create some of your own workouts, let us know through the SGPT Facebook page. We’d love to hear what you come up withQUESTION: I am a fairly small individual due to me being a Track and XC distance runner and never focused on getting larger. I weigh 140 pounds on a good day, and I am wondering, should I try to gain weight before doing any of your programs? I am going to college to become an Officer in the Army, so I am hoping to be above physical shape going in, which is 3 years away, but I’d like to start now. Thank you!

ANSWER: Everything is based on your own percentages. Getting bigger is 100% diet based. If you want to gain weight increase your intake by 100% during the first 6 weeks. We have a great 60-Day Nutrition Program that’s designed to help you do exactly that. Our training programs are great for your goals.


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