8 Weeks to SEALFIT revised edition Review
Jumping into this program taught me something really important: you cannot HIDE from the work required here. I’ve been doing more traditional weight lifting and strength programs at the gym over the last many months, and while the plans and programs have gone rather well for me, in just six days of working on this program I realized that I hadn’t been giving it my all, and I’d been cutting corners. With 8 Weeks to SEALFIT: A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Unconventional Training for Physical and Mental Toughness, if you stay committed to the work in front of you, you can’t hide. And that’s a great thing.
8 Weeks to SEALFIT: A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Unconventional Training for Physical and Mental Toughness
Commander Divine has done a great job of putting together a lot of great work here. The progressions are great and even if you’re not a Crossfitter (which I’m definitely not), you get a sense of what he did to merge together traditional calisthenics, CrossFit, plus yoga and a few other disciplines to build a really smart and really challenging fitness program.
SGPT reviews “Weeks to SEALFIT”
I love the additional stories and flavor that adds to the storyline of what people who appreciate the work of the US Navy SEALs would connect with, and I found myself reading those stories while sucking wind and trying to recover during the challenging (for me anyway) workouts.
Definitely not a “for beginners” book, but realize that if I can do it, you probably can, too. Give it a go. Coach Divine also augments this very well with his websites as well.
Get Your Copy of 8 Weeks to SEALFIT: A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Unconventional Training for Physical and Mental Toughness
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