Archive: Interviews

SGPT Interviews Everyday Warrior Brian Joseph

Brian Joseph LEO interview SGPT: Tell us about yourself? Where are you from and where do you train? BJ: I am a 35 year-old from Iowa. I’ve been a LEO for 11 years. I’ve worked on nights as a patrol officer, did 3 tours on a gang task force, and worked as robbery/homicide detective. Currently,... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Everyday Warrior Thomas Cooper”

SGPT Interviews Everyday Warrior Thomas Cooper

Every day we make conscious choices that effect our overall well-being. Thomas Cooper made a conscious decision that he would lose weight in a safe manner and began his process.  He had a big gnarly goal to also complete the Murph workout and finish a milestone. Check out Thomas story as he begins his path... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Challenge Finisher Mark Clingen”

SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Challenge Finisher Mark Clingen

To overcome any great obstacle you must train the mind as well as the body. Mark tells us that “The one thing that got me through was repeated my positive mantra of “I love myself, I believe in myself, and I constantly reaffirm my ability to succeed.” Powerful stuff. Check out this SGPT interview with... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Marathon Man Mike Savage”

SGPT Interviews Marathon Man Mike Savage

Love what you hate, says Marathon Mike. “Do one thing a day that you don’t want to do. This hardens the mind and makes tasks you want to do that much better.” What a great way to grow your mind 1% and enable you to knock out a big goal. Check out this interview with... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Michel Lavallee GORUCK Star Finisher”

SGPT Interviews Michel Lavallee GORUCK Star Finisher

When you step up to the plate and take on a 50 mile endurance event in Canada you better come with your A game.  Michel Lavalee had a solid plan and had prepared diligently for this very event. As their team struggled during the night several members had to quit. But Michel kept going with... Read More

Building Strength through Discipline – SGPT Athlete Ron Riggs

Building Strength through Discipline – SGPT Athlete Ron Riggs From: Ron Riggs Date: Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 1:21 PM Subject: WEEK 7 results What was your goal when you started training? I had several goals. One was to learn a new way of working out. I grew up playing football and a lot of... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Kokoro Finisher Josh Carter”

SGPT Interviews Kokoro Finisher Josh Carter

How often in life do you get to find out your “why”? Former Teacher and Josh Carter digs deep at SEALFIT Kokoro 51 to realize his why and finish the drill. Check out this interview as he prepares and finally conquers the biggest challenge of his life. SGPT: Tell us about yourself? JC: My name... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Endurance Athlete Mark Jones”

SGPT Interviews Endurance Athlete Mark Jones

Tell us about yourself. Did you have an athletic background growing up? I was the kid that kids are not these days. Roller hockey, basketball, stick ball, and whistle Nerf football, while taking the winter months off a little to make money shoveling snow for hours on end, I hustled my entire childhood, making pennies/hr,... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Carl Chin GORUCK Star Finisher”

SGPT Interviews Carl Chin GORUCK Star Finisher

Its easy to hang your head and quit after a failure. But Warriors know that the path is hard and it will be full of obstacles. Fall down 3 times get back up 4. It is what we make of our failure is what really matters. Check out Carl Chins recent journey as he overcomes... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Barrier Island Ultra Race Finisher Rick Schmitt”

SGPT Interviews Barrier Island Ultra Race Finisher Rick Schmitt

Rick Schmitt has been a long time SEALgrinderPT (SGPT) athlete and has put in the hard work day in and day out for years.  It is no surprise to now see Rick reaping the harvest reward for all of the discipline and sweat that he put in.  Rick has big burly goals that scare the... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Generalist Ruck Finisher Dan Zehner”

SGPT Interviews Generalist Ruck Finisher Dan Zehner

If you want to find out what your made of and be able to push yourself 1% – we urge all of our athletes to try an adventure event. Learn new skills and challenge yourself to step up to the plate and get the task done. That is exactly what SGPT Athlete Dan Zehner did... Read More

SGPT Interviews Mario Bohm BMK Race Finisher

No matter your age or occupation we all have it in us to rise up and do something special. It will require hard work and sacrifice. Discipline and focus. In the end you know that you stepped up to the challenge and were able to finish the drill. Check out this interview with Mario Bohm... Read More

SGPT Athlete Ivan Schultz summits Longs Peak (14er)

I have been asked before “What are you proud of in your fitness business?”. It is an easy answer when you have athletes like Ivan Schultz in Team SGPT. Ivan has overcome great disabilities that would have put anyone in a wheel chair. But Ivan had something deep down inside that said “Nope” – I... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT interviews Sinister 7 Ultra finisher Steve Lamontagne”

SGPT interviews Sinister 7 Ultra finisher Steve Lamontagne

Sometimes things dont work out as you planned. We fail to reach our objective. But we learn lessons that we can apply to our next big goal. Steve shows us first hand how he changed his training program and achieves success on his recent tough Ultra race in the mountains of Canada. Check out this... Read More
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