Captains of Crush Hand Grippers Review

captain of crush reviewsCaptains of Crush Gripper are the gold standard for building and testing grip strength.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

The Captains of Crush Hand Gripper was used by the strength fiends and strongmen of old.

The difference between a weak and a strong grip is the difference in reps, seconds, kilos, and speed.

Nearly every measure of performance is affected by your ability to lock on, hold on, and maintain your strength.

What’s special about Captains of Crush Grippers?
perfect fit with CoC compatible grip tools for maximum progress in minimum time
knurled aircraft-grade aluminum handles, pioneered by CoC Grippers in 1995
proprietary GR8 springs, only on CoC Grippers and IMTUGs
a 20-year history of product development and refinement
precision manufacturing for gold standard performance, feel, and appearance
made in the USA
no-surprise geometry: you can count on the consistency and precision of Captains of Crush Grippers
11 strengths for a perfect fit
certification on the top-tier CoCs
Captains of Crush Grippers: Maximum grip strength, minimum time.
Made in the USA.

Forget about the traditional approach to training with grippers – banging out endless reps while driving or watching TV – as it will do little to improve your grip strength but a lot to shorten the life of your gripper.

Captains of Crush Hand Grippers Review
I’m definitely impressed with my newly acquired tool..Captains of Crush Hand Gripper.

I’m recovering from a shoulder injury and wanted something to build my grip while the shoulder recovers, and the Cap’t of Crush is definitely the best grip strength tool I’ve come across.

I am looking to improve my hand strength and move up the next level.

Captains of Crush Hand Grippers Review
Excellent! The Captains of Crush Grippers are amazing. I have used the CoC grippers since 2000 when a friend introduced me to them. They have helped me build a Superman grip over the years, and when it comes to muscle fatigue…everything else will fail before my grip does!!! Hanging onto the bar no matter if it is overhead or deadlifting, a strong grip will benefit all areas of your training!

The Captains of Crush are a part of our garage gyms grip training regimen. The C of C’s are heavy duty and built to last. We recommend them for any athlete serious about building grip strength. We use them at our CrossFit gym.

Grip Workout #1
Pull up pyramid 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
in between sets do 10 grip squeezes
see how high you can go on your pyramid but still make it down the other side.

Grip Workout #2
hang from pull up bar or climbing hang board till 80% failure
drop from bar and do 10 pushups
work your way down to 10% and done

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