Are you looking to train for the SEALFIT Kokoro event? Whether your across the world or here nearby we can provide online coaching to help you as an athlete.
Get the experience of a Navy SEAL (graduated BUD/S class 132 despite all odds and asthma) and CrossFit level 1 certified personal trainer on your team to help you crush your goals and propel yourself to a new you. Get the experience of an athlete and trainer who has helped coach over a dozen Kokoro classes and knows what it takes to blast through plateaus and reach up, take hold and conquer your goals in life.
Coaching sessions include athletic ability assessment, goal assessment, baseline workouts, stretching exercises, diet improvements, motivational information and daily workouts and scheduled rest.
Read more about SEALgrinderPT and Brad McLeod’s failure to success story
SGPT Premium Coaching for Kokoro – Designed specifically for athletes wanting to train for Kokoro looking to push themselves to the next level.
- Get access to The SGPT Online Training Platform and SGPT Membership area
- Get access to SGPT Coaching program daily workouts and stretching
24/7 Email access to SGPT Coach, Level 1 CrossFit, and Navy SEAL
Get access to warm ups, Kokoro style work out of the day (WODs) designed to build strength and endurance.
Killer videos showing equipment and proper technique for all workouts.
Get access to the SGPT Members forum with weekly homework geared specifically for Kokoro
Once a week nutrition tips, motivational video, SGPT interview and inside questions and answers from the SGPT Coach. Ask any questions and get quick follow up and detail.
Basic Coaching$50 month (2 month minimum).
Get the experience of a trainer who has been there in the trenches and who has worked with many athletes in training to help them improve in many aspects of their physical and mental abilities.
Contact Email:
TESTIMONIALS from SEALgrinderPT Coached Athletes:
From Jake B. – Brad is a great trainer and pushes me further than i ever thought I could go. For example, I can do Muscle-Ups now which I could not perform before training with Brad. My CrossFit total has improved by 205lbs! Brad introduced me to Navy SEAL training which i LOVE. The Navy SEAL workouts he puts together are very intense and definatley improve your strength, stamina, and endurance.
Thanks Brad! – Jake Berman, Atlanta, GA.
Travis Retherford
I’ve been training for a comeback to BUD/S for the past year and a half, i’m not new to the gym but i just couldn’t make the improvements i wanted to. i posted a thread on the forums about this and brad posted back some great tips within the first day or two. after that i started working with him almost everyday and the workouts he sends me are outstanding, i’ve never been in better shape. not only just my conditioning but overall as an athlete i feel better, i’m eating better, and i’ve gained a confidence in myself that i’ve never had before. thank you so much for your time brad, can’t wait for bud/s. – Travis R.
Chris Huzyak – My running and PT went from nothing to something in a matter of weeks. I would recommend anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life try these workouts. Hooyah! Thanks. Chris H.
AnnLee Hines – I’m not a SEAL, and never will be – too old, wrong gender. But that doesn’t mean I can’t pursue the same level of fitness goals – high strength-to-weight ratio, agility, endurance, the ability to meet whatever challenge comes at me, whether or not I saw it coming. SEALgrinderPT is working for me – I’m getting stronger and more coordinated. The days I do these workouts, I sleep better – for good reason! The progress isn’t instant, but you don’t get out of shape instantly, either. Keep your perspective, and keep going. Consistency is 90% of the battle. Annlee Hines.
From Jose C. – I am running a Basic SWAT School down in South Florida next week, and I have decided to use your format to “smoke them bones”. In past classes, I have used a military format, which I actually find too rigid and boring, I have been in and out of your site for the past three months, and I find your post’s very challenging, but mentally charging. Thanks. Jose
from Shane P. – After we stopping working together I tried some other coaching programs briefly such as the xxxxxxx personal coaching and to be honest i felt as i was paying for so much more than what i was getting in terms of just an email list of workouts. The weeks I trained under your guidance I received so much more well rounded coaching mental, physical the whole bit. So I say all this to say I want to pick up where we left off and comeback to the SGPT program. How do I re-up to start? Shane P.
From Joe Laz. – Gentleman/Ladies- I want to just give props and a big thank you to Brad and this site. I’ve been following the workouts since late Spring 2010, and I am in the best shape of my life. I spent a lot of time in the gym before hand but when I started doing some of the workouts here I really had to check myself. Last spring I struggled on pull ups, now they are my new favorite. Pull up ladders are tough but effective, air squats/push ups, rowing -all in days work.
Last week I was doing “Murph” at the office gym when this guy who works out at the same time came up to me and said “Man you do some crazy workouts, I see you in here all the time and you just keep going and going” Happy to say I had my SEAL GRINDER PT shirt on and said dude check out this site! – Joe Laz.
From Darrin H. – You had sent me this article when we first started to talk and it has been life changing to say the least. With the many ups and downs of being a football coach I needed that warrior mentality you talk about. Before reading the article I only dabbled in yoga from time to time and now am working hard to add yoga to my daily regimen and look upon it in a different way as well. I really appreciate all your help so far and look forward to your continued insights it has been awesome! Darrin H.
from Jared P. – This is waaaay harder than P90X – Jared P.
Brad McLeod
CrossFit level 1 certified trainer
certified thru June 27, 2015
Special thanks to many that have helped build the SEALgrinderPT website.
Lee Craig for his graphic expertise and the SGPT logo. You can reach Lee at
Thanks to Jennifer Minge for helping me with WordPress and getting this website going. You can reach Jennifer at
Thanks to Kath Knox at CrossFit North Atlanta for her awesome photos of CrossFit competitions.
SEAL grinder PT is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.
I look forward to helping you reach your goals.
Brad McLeod
CrossFit level 1 certified trainer