Just got back from a long endurance off road bike race on monday night.
The Huracan350 is an unsupported race (you have to navigate yourself and bring your own food/ tent/ and be your own mechanic).
We ended up raising about $500 for Homeless Teens
I love these races as they push me to the outer edge and help me to see clearly what it is that we are teaching.
At SGPT we teach day in day out hard work (the Grind). You must love the daily grind.
At SGPT we teach Focus – the ability to keep your head in the game for that task.
At SGPT – Discipline rules the day.
If you dont have Discipline – you will quit when the waves begin to crash against your boat.
If you have Discipline – You of course have freedom in that you are not bound by weak restrictions.
Rah Rah cheerleader motivation will only take you so far.
In the end – you have to Sack the F@ck up and be ready to fight.
So how do we do that — be ready to fight and finish what you started?
Anyone can talk a big game. But few can do through the paces over the long haul.
No one gives a shit how well you do when the sun is shining and all is gravy good.
All that matters is how you hold up when the big waves come crashing with sideways rain.
Can you handle it? Or will you give in to weakness and find a way to quit?
Any injured dog can crawl into a ditch and curl up and die.
But a true warrior will beg for hard time and situations so that they can truly be tested.
TIP #1
Kick in the mantras (sayings) early and often. When it is sunny out and all is going well in the mind – use that time for mantras. Whatever your mantra is “Looking good, feeling good, outa be in Hollywood” or adding in Hakas “feel good, ahha, looking good… ahha…outa be ahha… in hollywood”
It can be spiritual “I’m sorry….lease forgive me…thank you… I love you. This is personally one that I used on the race and it really empowered me.
So I would chant mantra this in my mind while I focused (we just talked about that as a key in SGPT) on the dirt road.
I let go of the world. Emptying my mind of the past (how I had screwed up something) and the future (when I get home I will have to deal with this problem or whatever).
With the mind empty we then bring in the mantras (with conviction). This is your performance to build your mind to become more powerful. Dont mumble your mantra. Imagine you are standing on a 200 foot tower with a mega bull horn hooked up to a nuclear power source. You project your mantra into your mind with confidence but at the same time a humbleness. Repeat that mantra five times as you ride. If you make a mistake and bring in a past thought or future thought – acknowledge that thought and file it away and begin again the five sayings.
Now we have constructed a block — one brick in the fortress that we will be building to withstand the oncoming Hurricane winds.
When you start this process in good days – when it is time for the bad you are more than ready.
This is now your daily discipline and your mind is now stronger and more powerful.
Before you had negative thoughts and it was hard for you to finish the drill.
Now you finish what you started as you have practiced a method to make you stronger for the next storm.
If you have any training questions – email brad@sealgrinderpt.com
Yes; I answer every single email my self. I dont have an assistant or do auto reply.
I personally read every line of every email and personally type back a response.
Train Hard!
Brad McLeod
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