Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Protected: SGPT Filthy Fifty workout

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Featured image for “Tips to Improve Your Plank Hold Time and Build Your Core”

Tips to Improve Your Plank Hold Time and Build Your Core

Just got in this question from one of our athletes who is doing the SGPT Plank Challenge. Coach, do you have any tips to help me improve my plank hold time and help build up my core? Check out the tips below and you will be able to improve your core strength in just a... Read More
Featured image for “Gear Review: Mossberg 930 Home Defense 12 gauge”

Gear Review: Mossberg 930 Home Defense 12 gauge

There are few things on this planet that are better home defense weapons than a pump action 12 gauge. One of them, is a semi-auto that can send buckshot or slugs downrange as fast as you can pull the trigger. The Mossberg 930 is the latter. I used to have a 20 inch Mossberg 500... Read More
Featured image for “Tips on How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle”

Tips on How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

I have wanted to write this post since the first of the year. Were all working hard on our goals, trying to burn off a little holiday pounds and avoiding the cold and flu bug. Were all trying to live a healthy lifestyle. We want to be vibrant and immune from disease. But lets face it... Read More
Featured image for “Protected: Day 8 of 21 SGPT Plank Challenge”

Protected: Day 8 of 21 SGPT Plank Challenge

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Featured image for “Navy SEAL Sleep Deprivation Tips”

Navy SEAL Sleep Deprivation Tips

Barely a week goes by without an athlete emailing asking “Coach, how the #@%& did you stay awake during two Hell Week beat downs in Navy SEAL training? No sleep for a week? Isn’t that impossible? How do Navy SEALs deal with sleep deprivation? Check out these tips – but WARNING – don’t try this... Read More

Protected: Workout 1-16-17

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Protected: Day 7 of 21 SGPT Challenge

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Featured image for “3 Tips for Marine Recon Training”

3 Tips for Marine Recon Training

Check out these tips and insider information on what it takes to become a United States Marine Recon. Phase 1 of Training: 4 weeks of running, high repetition PT, obstacle courses, ocean swims with fins, rucking, land navigation, helicopter rappelling and insertion, communications small arms training. Phase 2 of Training: 3 weeks long of small... Read More

Question of the Week: “How do I improve my leg strength if my legs are weak?”

Hi Coach Brad, My name is Maxx Berendt. I am just going to come out and say it, I want to be a SEAL. I have one issue i have weak legs I injured my left knee in highschool and they have been weak ever since. What are some workouts I can do to improve... Read More

Protected: Workout 1-15-17

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Featured image for “What is the Navy SEAL 40 Percent Rule?”

What is the Navy SEAL 40 Percent Rule?

Just got an email question from one of our SGPT athletes and he had a great question. “Coach, what is the 40 percent rule that I hear Navy SEALs talk about?”. And how can I use it to perform at a higher level? That is from the legendary endurance athlete David Goggins. David went from overweight... Read More

Day 5 of 21 SGPT Plank Challenge

Today is Day 5 of 21 for the SGPT plank challenge. Do plank on hands for 60 seconds. Tomorrow we will add 10 seconds. If you cannot do the amount of time listed – then go as long as you can and mark down your time (example 12 seconds). Elite athletes can add a weight vest.... Read More
Featured image for “When They Laugh at Your Dream”

When They Laugh at Your Dream

People laughed at me when I told my dream of being a Navy SEAL. They mocked me and laughed in front of my face. I gave them a lot of reasons as I was not a stud athlete or an all A student in school. I felt lower than mud – I wanted to hide.... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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