Sharpen the Sword

A sword must be sharpened in order to maintain its edge.

If your sword is sharp then it will cut through all obstacles in front of it.

If the sword is dulled and nicked then it will be a much tougher challenge.

But how do we keep the sword sharp?

In everyday 9 to 5 life we are surrounded by mediocrity and average people and situations.

Sheep people going through the motions trying to make it to hump day and then on to Friday.

If someone tries to crawl up and out of their situation and better themselves there are negative people (the crabs) looking to pull them back down.

At 19 years old I sought to break free from going nowhere and being a loser.

I was tired of being average on a path towards a mediocre life.

If anyone ever tells you it is ok to be average you need to f-ing run from them.

With the clothes on my back I took a trip all the way across country to the west coast to give it a go at Navy SEAL training.

This was my first look at what “Sharpening the Sword” really meant.

We (the trainees) were literally pushed into the fire daily and then pulled out and hammered on hard.

You either made the cut or you went home.

Then they would put you against a hard surface (the grinder) and we saw how iron sharpens iron.

You must have a hard surface to sharpen a sword.

You cannot sharpen it with doughnuts and pizza and soda.

You must step forward and find a group and a system that is better than you in order to make you stronger, better, faster.

TIP #1
Step UP.
Even though you may be scared of failing step forward to face your fears.

You may stumble but as long as you get up you will become stronger.

This is a daily process that will take place over the long haul. You are now on a path to becoming a warrior to conquer your mind and body.

Are you tired of living a life of mediocrity? Being average and hating the way you live?

Have you dreamed of stepping up in life and taking hold of the sword like a warrior and being to strike back at everything in your way?

What is holding you back? Are you standing in your own way?

Take that first step today and check out the SGPT audio Sharpen the Sword.

You will want to listen to this audio while you are working out or on a ruck hike.

If you listen and take notes and then take massive action on one thing you hear – you could make a life changing move.

I feel so confident in this audio that I will give you a 100% money back guarantee that if you listen to it and don’t learn one thing that helps you improve 1% then I will refund your money.

Brad McLeod is known for his ability to help athletes improve their performance 1% daily.

Are you looking to up your game and step up to the next level?

Email (I answer all emails personally.

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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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