US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Building and Defining Character

“If you do the right thing, regardless of what the consequences are…that represents character.

And so how do you build character? It’s a beautiful thing because it’s the same thing.

If you want to build character, you do the right thing.

You do the right thing for yourself, you do the right thing for your family, you do the right thing for your community, you do the right thing for your country.”

What defines character for you?

How do you believe it’s built?

Do you agree with Jocko?

Watch the video below, then tell us what you think in the comments below—if you do, we’ll send you FREE SGPT STICKERS!

Question: I’ve been working on my planks, but my back gets tired fast and I sag. Any tips?

Answer: Yes; check out the article CrossFit Ab and Core Workouts.

Question: I’m planning on going to one of SEALFIT’S Kokoro events next year and I signed up for your online training and that’s been really helpful But what worries me, I guess you could say, is the not sleeping. How can I prepare for being up so long? I’m afraid that’s what’s going to be the worst part.

Answer: Check out this article—Navy SEAL Sleep Deprivation Tips. Also remember your success at Kokoro comes down to your mindset. Make sure you have a strong why.


Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on “Stupid and Meaningless” Tasks You Don’t Want to Do: “Line Them Up and Crush Them.”

US Navy SEAL David Rutherford on How to Keep Your Motivation: “Live With Integrity.”

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