US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Dealing with Poor Leaders: “Respect Them.”

“You don’t want an adversarial relationship with this leader. You want him [or her] to support and help you. They will do that if you are making them look good.”

Think of a situation, either current or past (or both), when you’ve encountered a manager or leader similar to what Jocko talks about in the video below.

As you watch, think about how you reacted, or are currently reacting, to this person and the situation and consider these questions:

  • Are your chosen reactions helping or exacerbating it?
  • Do you seem to continually run into this kind of situation over and over?
  • If so, think about what you could do to adjust your behavior patterns so you’re creating a solution, rather than a further/continuing problem.
  • If there is a situation, current or past, where you have adjusted your chosen reactions to fall into alignment with Jocko’s suggestions, what were they?
  • If you’re still struggling, how can this situation be changed into a learning experience for you?

After you watch the video, let us know your thoughts in the comments below—and we’ll send you FREE SGPT STICKERS!





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QUESTION: So I’ve had a totally shtty couple of years. My confidence is in the tank. I’m ready to get my sht together but I’m having a hard time sticking to goals. Can you help?

ANSWER: Check out this article: Build Confidence and Be Unstoppable. Also—Feel the FEAR and do it Anyway.

QUESTION: I graduated college this past spring and I did really well. But I feel like I can’t get focused on life outside of that. How can I stop feeling like I’m just drifting around and get motivated?

ANSWER: We’ve all been there, me included. Check out this article where I talk about that and how I got going again: #1 Tip on How to Make Today Matter (and Get $hit Done).

US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Building and Defining Character
US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink’s Top 10 Rules for Success

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