“We are the product of our mistakes. And, oftentimes, the lesson is sitting there right in front of our faces. It’s there to be learned, but we miss it.
Or we don’t pay attention to it. Or we think we know better…until it punches us in the face.”
What’s one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned from a mistake?
How do you keep regret at bay so you can “learn and move on”?
Is there a mistake you’ve made that you keep making?
How could you learn from it and move on?
Let us know in the comments below–and we’ll send you FREE SGPT STICKERS!
Don’t let mistakes and regret hold you back from reaching your goals!
Get SEALGrinderPT’s newest and best-selling training manual,“So, You Want to Be a Ranger?”
Written by Tom Coffee, a former US Ranger, you’ll find tons of motivation to keep you moving forward–mentally and physically.
Also included: SEALGrinderPT’s popular 90-Day Strength and Conditioning Program–FREE!
QUESTION: I’m going to be traveling for about a month in a few weeks and I don’t know if I’ll always have access to gyms in the hotels I’ll be staying in. Got any ideas for how I can keep up my training? Thanks!
ANSWER: Yes; bodyweight training is always good to rely on because you don’t need equipment. Check out this article–Top 10 Military Bodyweight Workouts.
QUESTION: You’re always recommending we read every night for 5 or 10 minutes. I want to get into that habit. Do you have a reading list somewhere?
ANSWER: Yes; check out this article: Navy SEAL Recommended Reading. Also post up your question on our Facebook page to have other SGPT team members let you know what they like to read.
One of the best and easiest ways to stay motivated, focused and mentally strong is to ensure have a healthy diet.
Do These 2 Things and Get 1% Closer to Your Goal
Navy SEAL Jocko Willink: Do This, And You’ll Continue to Succeed Even if You Screw Up