In order to get a SEAL contract – you will need to have a great PST score.
From day 1 you need to talk to a SEAL motivator and try to work out with them and get tips.
You can find your SEAL motivator in your area with a quick google search.
Next up you need to work on your weaknesses. If you suck at swimming then you need to get in the pool.
If you don’t have a swimming pool go find a local pond or go to the beach. Make it happen.
SWIM 500 YDS. Side stroke or breast stroke in 12:30 min
Rest 10 minutes
PUSH-UPS (within 2 min) you need 42 reps. Must be performed with a straight back and feet and
hands in contact with the deck at all times. No slouching allowed; proper form must be strictly maintained.
Rest 2 minutes
CURL UPS (Aka SIT-UPS) (within 2 min) you need 50 reps. Sit on the floor with your knees bent approximately 90 degrees. Cross your arms in front of you with fingertips touching your shoulders. Exercise through the full range of motion.
Again, proper form must be strictly maintained.
Rest 2 minutes
PULL-UPS (no time limit) you need 6 reps in one bar session (not coming off the bar). Grip pull-up bar with PALMS FACING AWAY FROM YOU. Hands are to be shoulder-width apart. Do not swing, kick, or bicycle to assist. Make sure you go all the way up (chin above bar) then ALL THE WAY DOWN.
Rest 10 minutes
1.5 MILE RUN 11:00 min
Video – Navy SEAL BUDS PST
A candidate who reaches or exceeds the Optimum (scored in the PST Calculator as 827) or less, is much more likely to to be selected for a SEAL contract.
BUDS PST Competitive Scores You Should Strive for:
Swim 500 yd breast/side stroke 9:00
Push-ups 90
Curl-ups 85
Pull-ups 18
Run 1.5 miles 09:30
Tip #1
Do not go full out and try to max out on your push up reps. Go to 75% failure and then hold. Take deep breath then go again.
Tip #2
When you are running get in control of your breathing. Your breathing can have a big effect on how you perform. Check out the video above for great tips.
Question: Are vitamins and creatine allowed in Navy SEAL BUDS training camp?
Answer: Yes; you can have a bottle of multi-vitamins. No on the creatine or any other supplements.
I took a 1 a day vitamin similar to One Men vitamin when I was in training but I also tried to eat healthy. I made sure to eat extra eggs and lots of greens.
Tip #3
Set a goal or number in your mind of the times and reps you will want to accomplish. This way you will have a goal to shoot for and not just try to finish.
Question: Do you think that CrossFit can help you training for BUDS?
Answer: I think that some workouts like Murph and other Hero wods are beneficial. If you are going to use CrossFit style workouts I would add an endurance component such as trail running or rucking/hiking as a supplement.
Why do so many candidates fail out of BUDS?
Mistakes I Made Training for BUD/S and How I Corrected Them
How I Survived Hell Week Twice