What Equipment Do I Need to Train for SEALFIT?

What Equipment Do I Need to Train for SEALFIT?SEALFIT Exercise Training Equipment

If you are new to SEALFIT training you will need some basic gym equipment.

You can start out with bodyweight exercises but eventually you will need a barbell and bumper plates.

8 Weeks to SEALFIT by Coach Mark Divine
The training guide you need to workout

1 Sand Bag (70 to 100 pounds – make or buy)

1 Pull-up bar

1 20# weight vest
We like the MIR weight vest(short) 

1 Jump Rope (8,9, or 10ft)

1 24 inch plyo Box Jump (make or buy)

1 set wooden gym Rings

1 Olympic barbell (45 lb)

1 10, 25, 35 and 45lb rubber bumper Olympic plates

35 lb Black Series Kettlebelland 55lb kettlebell

Kettlebell is great for full body workouts

Carry them both in the farmers walk for grip strength

2 dumb bells 35 lb

Dynamax Medicine Ball 20-Pound

perfect for building cardio and full body workout

great also for warming up

extra gear you may want later

pulling sled (you can use a tire instead)

Questions from athletes in our gym.

Question: What if I don’t have all of the equipment? Make do with what you have. Use regular dips instead of gym rings. Use a sand bag instead of a barbell or kettle bell. Do burpees and bodyweight workouts till you get more gear.

Question: Can I make some of the gear? Yes; a bench can be substituted for a plyo box. You can make a sand bag with a plastic bag and sand.

Question: Can I train for SEALFIT at home? Yes; you can train for SEALFIT anywhere. Even if you don’t have equipment you can do bodyweight exercises. You dont have to fly out to Encinitas California just to do a workout.

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SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Challenge Finisher Michael Nealon

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