SEALFIT Exercise Training Equipment
If you are new to SEALFIT training you will need some basic gym equipment.
You can start out with bodyweight exercises but eventually you will need a barbell and bumper plates.
8 Weeks to SEALFIT by Coach Mark Divine
The training guide you need to workout
1 Sand Bag (70 to 100 pounds – make or buy)
1 Pull-up bar
1 20# weight vest
We like the MIR weight vest(short)
1 Jump Rope (8,9, or 10ft)
1 24 inch plyo Box Jump (make or buy)
1 set wooden gym Rings
1 10, 25, 35 and 45lb rubber bumper Olympic plates
35 lb Black Series Kettlebelland 55lb kettlebell
Kettlebell is great for full body workouts
Carry them both in the farmers walk for grip strength
2 dumb bells 35 lb
Dynamax Medicine Ball 20-Pound
perfect for building cardio and full body workout
great also for warming up
extra gear you may want later
pulling sled (you can use a tire instead)
Questions from athletes in our gym.
Question: What if I don’t have all of the equipment? Make do with what you have. Use regular dips instead of gym rings. Use a sand bag instead of a barbell or kettle bell. Do burpees and bodyweight workouts till you get more gear.
Question: Can I make some of the gear? Yes; a bench can be substituted for a plyo box. You can make a sand bag with a plastic bag and sand.
Question: Can I train for SEALFIT at home? Yes; you can train for SEALFIT anywhere. Even if you don’t have equipment you can do bodyweight exercises. You dont have to fly out to Encinitas California just to do a workout.
SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Challenge Finisher Mark Clingen
SGPT Interviews SEALFIT 20X Challenge Finisher Michael Nealon