Develop the 20X Factor

Just got back from a kick *ss event on the Jersey Shore. What a great day as we watched as athletes work through pain and transform into their bigger and greater selves.

That is what is termed by Coach Mark Divine at SEALFIT as the “20x factor”.

You see – we are actually capable of 20 times more than we think we can.

Many of us (myself included) put limits on ourselves and say “oh, I can’t do that” or “what would my friends think” or “I am too old” or “I may get hurt”.

Check out more info and sign up for SEALFIT 20X Challenge training here

Once you let go of all of those negative thoughts — you would be freakin’ amazed of what you can do and accomplish.

The 20x factor is found by pushing the envelope of your mind and body. You pick a harder workout, a new goal and you train hard for it and then dive in head first.

Yes; you can get knocked down. I found that out when I failed BUD/S the first time. I was devastated.

But I knew deep down that if you get knocked down 7 times — you must get up 8.

That is what we saw from the Jersey Boys this weekend — We knocked them down and tried to drive a wedge between them – but they kept getting up to stand and fight again.

The 20x factor is then slowly revealed as it becomes apparent – that yes – I can perform at a much higher level than I thought possible.

Check out more info and sign up for SEALFIT 20X Challenge training here

Develop the 20X Factor Tip #1
Step Out of Your Normal
Set a goal to pursue a new event or training. Stepping out of your comfort zone and conditioning the body and mind will push the envelope of experience. Train harder than you expected. Fall down 7 times, and get up 8. Benchmark your life experiences by going farther, faster, harder…it builds confidence and provides a ladder of success for the next level. This is how the 20X factor is revealed through hard physical and mental training…one evolution at a time.

Jeff reminds us to “be sure to reward yourself when you’re successful. The goal is to train the emotional centers of your brain to anticipate a positive outcome when pushing boundaries. An event like SEALFIT Kokoro can bring out that 20X factor.

Check out more info and sign up for SEALFIT events here

Develop the 20X Factor Tip #2
Positive Thoughts
More than just thinking positive thoughts, and positive self-talk, we must maintain a positive state of energy and “show up” in the world with this energy. Jeff cites a research report from a guy named Mark Taylor. Olympic athletes were surveyed by Taylor about whether they practiced positive mental skills such as silently voicing affirming thoughts. Taylor found that those who did were significantly more likely to survive the intense pressure of elite competition and reach the medal stand. This principle cannot be stressed enough. As stated, I believe the impact of positive thinking goes well being the mental and into the spiritual realm. Have you ever seen a negative martial arts master? Or a negative Navy SEAL for that matter? No. In fact it can’t happen because negativity would attract failure and dis-ease, torpedoing any attempts at self-mastery and developing courage.

Check out more info and sign up for SEALFIT 20X Challenge training here

Develop the 20X Factor Tip #3
THink Differently
This is a good one. Mr. Wise asks us to re-frame by consider the larger context and the good things that might come along with the bad. When a crisis seems overwhelming “write out best case and worst case scenarios, and how likely they are to come about,” recommends Rick Harvey, Assistant Professor of Health Education and Holistic Health at San Francisco State University. “When you can say to yourself, ‘You know what, the worse-case scenario isn’t very likely,’ then you can stop worrying.”

Check out more info and sign up for SEALFIT 20X Challenge training here

What is you next event or workout that you will step up to unveil the 20x factor?

Will you be like all the other sheep in our society and keep your head down and follow the flock?

Or will you realize that their is more to life and that you must – you HAVE to step up and become more for your family and friends.

It is you destiny to become greater – you cannot deny it.

P.S. Come train at CrossFit Grinder for the next BIG event as we will show you how not to quit and unveil the 20x Factor – Cick Here for more Info<——-.
Train Hard!

Brad McLeod
CrossFit Grinder

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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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