Inside the Mind of a Warrior

inside the mind of a warriorI was talking with a friend this morning about life and its many problems.

He explained how things were not going well for him and that wanted to just run away. Quit everything.

Both of us can relate to that situation as life can throw us some hellacious curve balls.

We both agreed that he needed to stay strong and positive.

He had to control what is between his ears and keep moving forward.

Others may doubt you and make fun of you. It seems like you are the laughing stock of the world sometimes.

But deep down inside he believes in himself and knows that he is STRONG.

No matter that there are days when he feels weak.

We all get that way sometimes. We get beat up and a little down.

We get caught up in our own little world where we feel sorry for ourselves and think “why me”?

Our struggles will define who we eventually become in life.

Will we rise to the occasion and kick @ss and take names?

Or will we make excuses and blame others and let fear creep in.

Today is a new day. It is the best day of your life. But you have to decide to make it that way.

Every day you make a decision as to how you will live your life.

Will you be a warrior or will you lie down like a dying animal and curl up and gasp.

Let me be clear. A warrior doesn’t have to pick up a weapon and fight a war overseas. A warrior just has to be someone with courage to stand up for what is right and push forward.

A warrior stands tall with his chin up and accepts responsibility. That is a noble way to live – one that will encourage and inspire others.

You make the decision today.

Are you working hard to push forward daily to reach your goals?

Are you looking for that extra 1% to push you over the hump?

Check out SGPT motivational audios to put good things in your mind and between your ears.

The audio Fight to Win is a favorite one that applies to this situation.

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