Waiters Walk WOD
first do 30 min. of Navy SEAL grinder PT
wrist stretch – 10 each way
wrist rotations – 10 each way
Arm circles 10 each way
Press, press, fling – 10
Up, back and overs – 10
Shoulder pass throughs – 10
Hip swivel kicks (forward) – 15 each leg
Hip swivel kicks (side) – 15 each leg
Jumping jacks 25
hip mobility drills ( Mtn Athlete HUG drill) – 5
Mountain climbers – 25 – two count
Pushups – regular 20
Swimmers chest stretch – 10
alternate hand forward hand back pushups – 15
airborne heismans – 20
standing pause air squat – 30 seconds
Standing lunge – 20 (10 each leg)
air squat – 50
Pushups with sideways walk – 10
frog jump lateral jump (1 ft high minimum) – 10
eight count bodybuilders – 10
split jumps – 15
situps – 25
pushups with sideways walk – 20
thai plank – 10 each side
sitting flutter kicks – 20
reverse crunches – 20
sitting calf stretch – 10then….
Waiters walk WOD
3 rounds for time
50 lb dumbbell waiters walk 100 meters w/right arm
30 sit ups
50 lb dumbbell waiters walk 100 meters w/ left arm
30 back extensions
if no dumbbell use sandbag or kettle bell
Waiters walk video
Yoga cobra stretch – 5 minutes
Yoga frog stretch – 5 minutes
Plie squat stretch – 2 min. (really work to get your knees out and stretch)
then… 10 minutes of deep breathing/meditation/visualization
Navy SEAL style workout designed for Jake B. , Travis R., Mike R, Ann Lee, Chris Covington and every athlete that wants to improve their body and mind.
Post time below in comments.