SGPT Giveaway SEALFIT 20X Challenge spot

SGPT is giving away a free spot to a lucky candidate for the SEALFIT 20X Challenge on June 24th in Fort Worth, Texas.

You must provide your own transportation buy your spot ($400 value) is paid.

Contest Rules:

#1. Post a 2 minute Youtube video of you training and why you are worthy of winning this spot.

#2. The video must give a shout out to SEALgrinderPT and have text or a banner with SGPT on the video and description of the video.

#3. Share your video on SEALgrinderPT’s Facebook page and share it with your friends. Who ever gets the most likes and shares will be the winner.

#4. We will send you the gift certificate/ info to get you signed up in the 20X Challenge course.

Learn more about SEALFIT 20X Challenge HERE:

Deadline is May 15th so get your video submitted as quick as possible so you can get the most likes and shares.

any questions? post them up in the comments down below.

Question: Where can I get the same ruck like they use at SEALFIT events?

Answer: Click Here to buy your 20X Trainer Ruck. (the same ruck used at SEALFIT Events).

You can put a 20 lb sand bag and your water and food and ruck long distance with this pack.

SGPT training tips for SEALFIT 20X Challenge
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