Stan Browney breaks pushup record – again!

Recently Youtube fitness star Stan Browney set the world record for the most pushups in 30 seconds (47 pushups) in April 2020. In the spirit of competition he challenged his viewers to beat him – and one of them stepped up to challenge and did 50 pushups in 30 seconds. This guy’s name is “Igor” – of course. Stan acknowledged his competitors good form and was ready for another attempt at the record.

The record attempt has standards so that all athletes can be compared evenly. Hands must be at shoulder width apart with full lockout of the elbows at the top of the movement. The descent of the pushup is measured by the width of a fist (or a roll of toilet paper).

The new record was set with a total of 53 pushups completed in 30 seconds.

How many pushups can you do in 30 seconds? 10? 20? over 30?

Check out the YouTube video below.

Can someone hit 60 pushups in 30 seconds? Is that even possible?

Stan is also known for his attempt of 1000 pushups in 1 hour. He completed the feat although his form was lagging towards the end. That is still a ton of pushups in a short amount of time.

How many pushups can you do in 30 seconds? Post up your effort in the SGPT Facebook group here:

You can check out Stan Browney on his YouTube channel and Instagram

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