US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink Gives Tips on How to Generate Respect While Still Creating Leadership and Authority

“If you’re insecure, you’d think that [doing inconsequential tasks] you think you’d lose respect. But if you’re secure in your ability to lead, and if you know that doing some tedious stuff is going to make your guys appreciate you…then that means, to me, it’s kind of worth it.”

As you watch the video below and listen to what Jocko has to say, think about a situation where you may have been wanting to create the same kind of atmosphere of leadership and respect, current or past.

Were you successful?

If so, how did you generate that success?

If not, what do you think happened?

After you finish the video, consider the questions posed below and jot down some notes.

  • How can you be/act like the kind of leader you’d like to have?
  • Do you think that being liked is more important than leadership?
  • Are they the same thing?
  • If so, why?
  • If not, what are some ways you think respect can be generated, even if you aren’t liked?
  • What does following your lead mean to you?

Question: What kind of protein does Jocko use?

Answer: Check out Molk Protein.


QUESTION: I have a terrible time getting motivated on Monday. Like everyone else probably. But I noticed where my head is on those mornings sets the tone for the whole week. How can I get motivated on Mondays?

ANSWER: Check out this article—4 Ways to Kickstart Your Monday Navy SEAL Style.

One scoop delivers a powerful punch of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and 11 important superfoods, adding an awesome boost to your nutrition.

QUESTION: I am working towards running my first 5K this fall but I’m struggling with getting my speed up. Can you help me with ways to get better? It’s been months and I’m still at about a 12 minute mile.

ANSWER: Yes; here’s an article that should help. Tips to Improve Your Mile Run Time.

US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Dealing with Poor Leaders: “Respect Them.”
Leadership Mindset Tips from Navy SEAL Jocko Willink: “Be Ready to Step Up.”

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