What is YOUR Why?

What is YOUR Why?

What motivates you to do what you do? Is it to become stronger? Faster? Tougher? Or maybe it’s to prove something to yourself, to show the world what you’re capable of. That deep burning drive comes from somewhere. It’s not on the surface. It’s deeper than that. It’s in your gut. It’s in your heart. You’ve got to dig into that feeling. Ask yourself, What stirs me deep down inside?

This isn’t a question you can answer casually. It’s the kind of thing you’ve got to sit down with and work through. You’ve got to really think about it. Take some time and sit down, right now if you can. Pull out your journal, and if you don’t have one, start today. Write down everything that comes to your mind about what drives you. It might seem simple, but putting pen to paper forces you to confront your thoughts. It makes things real.

Know This: Your Past Does Not Define Your Future.

Think about that for a second. We often let our past mistakes, failures, and setbacks define us. We let them box us in. But understand this: your past doesn’t control you. It’s just something that’s behind you. What truly matters is the decisions you make from this moment forward.

In the SEAL Teams, we didn’t have the luxury of living in the past. Every day was a new mission, a new chance to win or lose. And those wins and losses were based on the decisions we made in the moment. Those decisions stacked up and determined success or failure. The same is true for you. Decisions are the ultimate power.

Small decisions lead to big results. Every workout you complete, every rep you grind out, every mile you push through—that’s shaping your future self. It might not feel like it at the time. It might feel like just another day in the gym, but those days add up. That’s how greatness is built.

At SEALgrinderPT, we see this all the time. When someone signs up for a challenge like the 8 Weeks to GORUCK, they’re making a decision. It’s not a small decision either. It’s a commitment to push themselves to the edge, to face discomfort and keep going anyway. And it all starts with one decision—signing up. That’s the spark that sets everything else into motion.

So, What Is Your Target?

If you don’t have a goal, you’re just drifting. You need a clear target. Ask yourself, What are my goals? It could be completing a GORUCK challenge. It could be breaking a personal record in a race or just getting in the best shape of your life. Whatever it is, write it down. Make it real.

At SEALgrinderPT, we help people set and crush their goals every day. Take Operation Breakthrough, for example. People come in looking to overcome mental and physical barriers. Some are stuck. They’ve been training for years, but something’s holding them back. They’ve hit a plateau. Through Operation Breakthrough, we help them break through those limits and get to the next level. The key is having a target and focusing on it like a laser.

What Are Your Beliefs?

Once you’ve got a goal, you need the right mindset to achieve it. What are your belief systems? Do you believe you’re capable of achieving that goal? If not, you’ve already lost. If you think it’s too far out of reach, you won’t put in the work. You won’t push through the pain, and you’ll quit when it gets hard.

At SEALgrinderPT, we teach people to believe in themselves. We know that mindset is everything. Look at any successful person, and you’ll see that their belief system is rock solid. They believe they can, so they do. In the Freak Frogman workout, for example, we push people past their perceived limits. They start to realize that they’re capable of more than they ever thought possible. They begin to believe, and that belief becomes fuel.

What Fuels You?

Speaking of fuel, ask yourself, What is your fuel? What do you feed your mind and body to keep going? It’s not just about food. It’s about what you consume mentally. Are you listening to things that pump you up or tear you down? Are you surrounding yourself with people who push you to be better, or are they holding you back?

Your mindset is just as important as your physical training. SEALs know this better than anyone. During BUD/S, you’re not just being tested physically. You’re being tested mentally. The ones who make it through aren’t always the strongest or the fastest. They’re the ones with mental toughness. They have a strong why and a deep fuel source to draw from when things get tough.

At SEALgrinderPT, we help you find that fuel. We offer more than just workout programs. We give you tools to build mental resilience, so when you’re out there in the middle of a GORUCK challenge, soaked in sweat, carrying that weight on your back, you’ve got something extra to push you through. That’s where mindset meets action, and that’s what separates winners from everyone else.

Bottom Line

In the end, your why, your goals, your beliefs, and your fuel all come together to shape who you are and where you’re going. So, take the time today to ask yourself: What is YOUR why? What is that deep, driving force that makes you get up early, train hard, and push yourself to new limits? Once you have those answers, use them. Channel that fire into everything you do.

About the Author:

Are you looking to achieve huge goals?

Do you have a big event on the horizon and you want to finish the drill?

Wanting to complete a Spartan, GORUCK, Tough Mudder or SEALFIT 20X Challenge?

Are you ready to push forward and kick @ss in life, business and family?

Get personal coaching from former Navy SEAL Coach Brad McLeod. Check out SGPT coaching here:

SEALgrinderPT is a proud sponsor of the UDT/SEAL Veterans Assistance 2024 Program.

In 2022 (during Covid) SGPT raised $5,360 to help veterans and their families in need.

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