Archive: MINDSET

Featured image for “Want to be as Mentally Tough as David Goggins? Strong as Jocko Willink? Navy SEAL Mental Toughness Training.”

Want to be as Mentally Tough as David Goggins? Strong as Jocko Willink? Navy SEAL Mental Toughness Training.

Check out these tips on how to be mentally tough with David Goggins. Have you ever wondered how they gain these skills? The answer will probably surprise you. It’s really a simple formula they follow. And we have put it together in a complete training system. The Navy SEAL Mental and Physical Training System. Crawl,... Read More
Featured image for “How to Build Confidence, Eliminate Fear and Be Unstoppable”

How to Build Confidence, Eliminate Fear and Be Unstoppable

We get questions all the time on how to build confidence and how to eliminate fears. Lets face it…. If you have a ton of confidence and no fears you will be able to achieve any goal. Our confidence can be based on many things including a self perception of who we think we are.... Read More
Featured image for “Feel the FEAR and Do it Anyway”

Feel the FEAR and Do it Anyway

I am sitting here today on a steamy warm day at my house on Lake Iamonia in north Florida. Just got back from a SGPT Strength and Conditioning workout in the gym and slowly making forward progress with this kick ass 6 Month Training Plan. 1% better every day. You have to put in the... Read More
Featured image for “10 Tips to Break Through Training Plateaus”

10 Tips to Break Through Training Plateaus

It happens to every athlete. You’re breaking personal record after personal record in the gym and then you get in a rut and are stuck at the same spot and can’t make improvements. What do you need to do to break through a training plateau? Here are a few ideas to help you off that table... Read More

Self-Compassion Is The Highest Form Of Mental Toughness

Mental toughness, in the athletic world, is generally defined as perseverance despite  challenges and obstacles.  It’s recognizing that the negative self-talk our minds spew at us are really just lies.  Or, at least, misinformation. So when I say that mental toughness also means self-compassion, it means giving yourself a break.  It means allowing yourself fragility.... Read More
Featured image for “5 Tips to Master Your Mind”

5 Tips to Master Your Mind

By Ryan Munsey I’m a “biohacker”. Hacker = someone who seizes control of a system Biology = the physiology, quality, and/or behavior of an organism Biohacker = I manipulate my biology and bend nature to my will in order to optimize my mental and physical performance. In addition to being a biohacker, I’m also a... Read More
Featured image for “It Pays to be a Winner”

It Pays to be a Winner

You have seen it in todays society. All of the kids get a medal for attending or playing sports. We are tracking away from teaching a winning mentality. We applaud mediocrity as we don’t want to offend anyone. In BUDS and on the Navy SEAL teams – It always pay to be a winner. This... Read More
Featured image for “10 Tips to Improve Mental Focus”

10 Tips to Improve Mental Focus

How many times have you said “It’s on the tip of my tongue but I can’t quite remember”? Or “I am terrible with names but I always remember a face?” Or you just lost your focus for a moment and ending up losing a chess match or important baseball game. Or you are wanting to... Read More
Featured image for “Mental Conditioning Skills in Sports”

Mental Conditioning Skills in Sports

Mental Conditioning Skills in Sports The majority of our focus now in sports is on the physical side. We are obsessed with how high a person can jump or how fast their 40 yard dash is. Until lately, not much attention has been placed on the mental side of the equation. With the rise of... Read More
Featured image for “5 Tips to Get Mentally Strong Like a Navy SEAL”

5 Tips to Get Mentally Strong Like a Navy SEAL

What does being mentally strong mean? It means taking obstacles and making them opportunities. To get focused on what you can do in the middle of a big problem. It means not letting that problem kick you down and keep you there. It means letting yourself acknowledge things suck, but moving forward anyway. Check out... Read More

Peel Back the Layers

Physical exertion is a great tool to work the muscle of the mind. Mental conditioning is the ultimate venue to develop and better your self. A great method to improve your self both physically and mentally is to visualize your future self. That is to see your self as you want to appear accomplishing your... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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