Heather Bergeron CrossFit Athlete Profile
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 131 lbs.
Age: 33
Started CrossFit: Fall, 2007
Training Facility: CrossFit New England
Coach/Trainer: Ben Bergeron
Occupation/School: Stonehill College
Studying: English/Philosophy
Supplement Use:
I just started using PROGENEX regularly a few months before the Games this year, and can’t live without it now.
I take PROGENEX approximately 17 minutes following a workout, regardless of the “kind” of workout (strength vs. endurance).
Originally, I just went by recommendations from other coaches/athletes, but now am totally sold on the stuff. Can’t even stomach other brands any more. If I”m going to train as hard as I do, eat as clean as I do, and try to recover as consistently as I do, WHY the hell would I use anything but the best post-recovery whey that is out there?

Heather Bergeron CrossFit Typical Training Week: Three days on/one off (strength + WOD + endurance daily)
Heather Bergeron Nutrition: Approximately 97-98% Paleo (what “most” people would consider “Paleo,” ie, allowing jerky, occasional dried fruit). Click here and check out this article on a recipe that Heather Bergeron likes to cook for great nutrition post workout.
CrossFit Stats:
Fran: 2:57
Helen: 8:02
Grace: 2:26
Filthy Fifty: 22:35
Max Pull-ups (Butterfly): 41
Weightlifting Stats
Deadlift: 285
Squat: 230
Snatch: 140
Squat Clean: 180
Clean & Jerk: 185
2010 New England Sectional, 1st
2010 Northeast Regional, 1st
2010 CrossFit Games, 8th
2010 Hybrid Strongman Competition, 1st
2009 Northeast Qualifier, 3rd
2009 CrossFit Games, 17th
Question: Where can I find out more info on CrossFit? Check out the CF main website here:
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