Monday Mindset: Being Coachable: A Navy SEAL Perspective

In the high-stakes world of the Navy SEALs, success hinges not just on physical prowess, but on mental fortitude and an unwavering willingness to learn and adapt. This mindset, often encapsulated in the term “being coachable,” is a cornerstone of SEAL training and operations. Being coachable means more than just taking orders; it is about embracing feedback, showing humility, and demonstrating an unrelenting commitment to improvement.


In the SEAL Teams, feedback is a critical component of our operations. After every mission or training exercise, we conduct thorough After-Action Reviews (AARs) to dissect what went right, what went wrong, and how we can improve. This process is not about assigning blame but about fostering a culture of continuous learning.

To be coachable, you must not only accept feedback but actively seek it. Understand that feedback, no matter how harsh it may seem, is a gift. It is an opportunity to refine your skills, correct your course, and enhance your performance. The ability to listen, internalize, and act on feedback is what sets apart the good from the great.


Humility is a vital trait in a coachable individual. In the SEAL Teams, we operate on the principle that no one knows everything, and everyone has something to learn. The moment you think you have all the answers is the moment you become a liability.

Being coachable means recognizing that you have limitations and that others may have insights that you do not. It requires checking your ego at the door and being open to new perspectives.

Humility allows you to learn from anyone, be it a seasoned operator or a new recruit, and it fosters an environment where collective knowledge and experience lead to collective success.


The SEAL Teams are built on a foundation of relentless improvement. The mantra “the only easy day was yesterday” encapsulates our approach to training and operations. Being coachable means committing to this ethos of constant betterment. It is about setting aside complacency and striving to be better today than you were yesterday.

This commitment is not limited to physical training; it extends to tactical skills, mental acuity, and leadership capabilities. It requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to push beyond your comfort zone. Being coachable means embracing the grind and recognizing that true growth comes from overcoming adversity.


In the dynamic and unpredictable environments where SEALs operate, adaptability is crucial. Being coachable means being flexible and responsive to change. It involves quickly assimilating new information, adjusting strategies, and executing under pressure.

This adaptability is cultivated through rigorous training and a mindset geared towards continuous learning. The ability to pivot and adapt ensures mission success and survival. A coachable individual is one who can navigate the unexpected with composure and effectiveness.


Being coachable also plays a significant role in building trust and cohesion within a team. In the SEAL Teams, our lives depend on the trust we have in each other. When you demonstrate coachability, you show your teammates that you are dedicated to the team’s success and willing to do whatever it takes to improve.

This attitude fosters mutual respect and strengthens the bond between team members. It creates an environment where everyone feels valued and heard, and where collective wisdom is leveraged for optimal performance.


Being coachable is not a passive trait but an active and dynamic process. It requires embracing feedback, showing humility, committing to improvement, being adaptable, and building trust within your team. In the Navy SEALs, these qualities are not just encouraged but demanded.

They are the bedrock upon which our effectiveness and resilience are built. Whether in the heat of combat or the grind of training, being coachable ensures that we are always moving forward, always learning, and always ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.

About the Author:

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