Don’t let the voices tell you it is too early, your too tired, its too cold.
Listen to the voice of defiance and stand tall.
Welcome to the Grind.
There is the right way – and – the easy way.
The easy way is always there for you to walk away and make some lame excuse.
Most of society will take the easy way as it feels good.
They want to stay “comfortable” and seek safety.
None of them understand that greatness is forged in true adversity… going through tough times and situations.
Yeah; I am talking to you…
I am speaking directly to you now..let’s do this together
Mental Edge Training Starts Right HERE – NOW!
What will you do today to drown out that lame voice and step forward as a warrior would do?
The enemy – that lame voice – is always there. Lurking.. trying to take you down. It is like a mold that slowly invades to take hold.
Only you can step forward and take charge and wipe away the old and bring forth the new – and challenge yourself.
SGPT Homework:
Today the enemy will speak to you. Find that point where it comes to you and immediately take charge and move forward.
Eat a clean nutrition meal.
Read a good quote.
Call a friend.
Walk away from the bad.
Jog to the gym.
Find a way to make your own life better today… be your own best coach. Write it down and post up what you did today to move towards your better self.
About the Author:
Are you looking to achieve big goals? Do you have a big event on the horizon and you want to finish the drill?
Wanting to complete a Spartan, GORUCK, Tough Mudder or SEALFIT 20X Challenge?
Get individual coaching from former Navy SEAL Coach Brad McLeod. Check out SGPT coaching here:
10 Tips to Breaking through Plateaus
Tips to Breaking through Mental Barriers
The Power of the Mind
How Do I Tap Into My Inner Warrior?