Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Prison Workouts – The Low Down”

Prison Workouts – The Low Down

Ever since prisoners have been locked up in a small holding pen – they have come up with some pretty ingenious ways to keep active and workout.  For most of them it has been more of a need to get big and survive to live another day in the hellish lifestyle of prison. If you click on... Read More
Featured image for “The BEST Bodyweight Exercises”

The BEST Bodyweight Exercises

The BEST Bodyweight Exercises by Zach Even-Esh, Underground Strength Coach Bodyweight training is often given only 2 schools of thoughts. 1) High rep training only to be used for conditioning or muscular endurance 2) High skill work like the Bar-Barians Many forget that Bodyweight Training can be used for ANY goal you want. – Add... Read More
Featured image for “Finding Your 1 Percent”

Finding Your 1 Percent

Anyone can sit on the couch. Anyone can talk about their glory days and how it was back then. Anyone can say “coulda, shoulda, woulda” What will YOU do today to step out of the norm and build yourself 1 percent? We competed this past weekend in the Atlanta affiliate league. We could have sat... Read More
Featured image for “Tips to Improve Standing Broad Jump”

Tips to Improve Standing Broad Jump

The standing broad jump is a great method to improve your high burst jumping ability. This will help you increase your time and agility for the obstacle course for Special Forces and ones that you will find in the Spartan Race and Tough Mudder. What is your max standing broad jump? Perform this drill as... Read More
Featured image for “Sometimes You Gotta Dig Down Deep”

Sometimes You Gotta Dig Down Deep

  No one is going to hand you anything. You gonna have to step up to the plate (or bar) and just do the work. Your tired – but you get out of bed anyway. Your dream burns inside of you and it pulls you forward. Check out this video to help inspire you to... Read More
Featured image for “How to Find the Zone”

How to Find the Zone

Have you ever found that spot in your mind where you lost track of time while completely immersed in your favorite sport? Some call it “The Zone”while others may call it “The Flow”. For all — it is serendipity. You are kayaking down a clear jungle river with Class 4 rapids crashing all around you as... Read More
Featured image for “Go Through Failure to Get to Success”

Go Through Failure to Get to Success

You have to go through failure to get to success. It is an undeniable real world situation. It is inescapable. How do you deal with failure? Do you lay down like a dying animal and perish? Or do you work your way up to one knee and swear “Never Again” This says more about you... Read More

FitDeck Review for Navy SEAL workout

Just got a hold of a box of the new FitDeck cards and wanted to post up a review of the product. I was really impressed with the quality and how well thought out these playing cards are. They come in a small plastic box so they are portable – just throw them in your backpack... Read More
Featured image for “SEAL grinder PT interviews Zach Even-Esh”

SEAL grinder PT interviews Zach Even-Esh

SEALgrinderPT catches up with one of the top coaches in the U.S. – Zach Even-Esh. Zach forged himself from a 110 lb weakling to a 220 lb lean and mean bruiser the old fashioned way — picking up heavy sh*t and always leading from the front. SPGT is psyched to get a few minutes of... Read More
Featured image for “Keep it Simple”

Keep it Simple

Team SGPT: Sometimes we look for a secret formula. We look for the inside track. We may think we need a complex program or solution. Most all times – we gotta keep it simple. Listen to Will Smith talk about his formula to Success. Hear these words – “I’ve never really viewed myself as particularly... Read More
Featured image for “Why Step Up?”

Why Step Up?

It is easy to sit on the couch and watch others achieve great things. We are all guilty of it…myself included. But to get better — you’re going to have to get out of your living room (your comfort zone) and walk down the street to the playground and play basketball with the big boys... Read More
Featured image for “You Are Amazing”

You Are Amazing

Thats right – I said it. You really are Amazing! You have the ability to do anything in the world you want. We just have to believe in ourselves. Sometimes the road is rocky and we stumble. But we can do anything. Find out what a Navy SEAL has to say about living up to... Read More
Featured image for “Prune Yourself and Grow”

Prune Yourself and Grow

In the winter it is time to prune the shrubs and get rid of the deadwood.  We sharpen the shears and cut all of the dead wood out.  In the spring the shrub grows back green and vibrant.  That is the way it works in Nature. But in ourselves – Humans – we get caught... Read More
Featured image for “Protected: Schmalls hero workout”

Protected: Schmalls hero workout

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.... Read More
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with SEAL Grinder's Brad McLeod
To Achieve Your Goals

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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