Check out Don Shipley as he takes on another cast of crazies with the latest phony fake @ss Navy SEAL wanna bee’s.
I mean; how pathetic can you get to go and flat out pose as a military veteran.
There is really something wrong with that – they ought to make a law to stop it; I tell you.
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Question: Coach Brad; how do we know that you are not a fake @ss frogman? What BUDS Class did you graduate from?
Answer: I graduated from Class 132 in May of 1985. We had 16 hard rock studs in that winter class.
Question: Coach Brad; what is a good book that I can read to inspire me but have some military history?
I want to learn more about the Navy SEALs as I am thinking about doing that or Green Beret.
Let me know a good book to read-thanks. Eric.
Answer: Check out the book Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10.
This will give you a good dose of info about the men on that mission and the lone survivor.
I have read the book twice and given a copy to my son for him to read and learn.
Question: How do I find a SEAL motivator/recruiter in my area?
Answer: Check out this article as it will help you locate one.
Top 10 Tips on How to Prepare for BUDS
Navy SEAL Tribute Video