The United States Marine Corps Reconnaissance Battalions (or commonly called Marine Recon or Force Recon), saw its beginnings in 1941, but became fully operation when the United State entered World War II.
While their largest theater of action was the Pacific, Marines were some of the first American troops to fight in Europe and North Africa, paving the way for the Army’s entrance on D-Day. They were also an integral part of World War I, and it was their intimidating toughness that caused the Germans to name them “Teufel Hunde“–or, “Devil Dogs”.
Because of the enormously different battleground–or, battlegrounds, rather–the Pacific theater presented for fighting, the need for more specialized fighters became apparent.

Marines coming ashore on Guadalcanal, 1942.
The next major conflict Recon Marines participated in was the Vietnam War. Marines, both “regular” and Recon, arrived on February 22, 1965. Marines were among the last US troops to exit the country on April 30, 1975 (U.S. Army Master Sergeant Max Beilke, who saw action in Korea as well as Vietnam, is credited as the last American ground soldier to leave Vietnam.)

The last Air America helicopter to evacuate Americans from Saigon on April 30, 1975 was piloted by U.S. Marines Colonel John Bowman, Jr.
Since then, Force Recon Marines have seen action in nearly all major conflicts in which the United States was involved, including Panama in 1989, both Gulf Wars, and Afghanistan.
Watch this awesome tribute video showing Force Recon Marines training and let us know what you think in the comments below. OORAH!
(Music: “I’m so Sorry” by Imagine Dragons.)
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