Are You Ready for Anything at Anytime? Hurricane Idalia

We just got the word that tropical storm Idalia has been upgraded to a hurricane. It is now entering the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and heading straight for my city.

Are you ready for anything at anytime? That is a question that we often ask our athletes.

Could you hike 3 miles in the snow to take medicine to your sick mother?

Are you prepared for any potential natural disaster?

A sheep dog is always prepared and ready to help in times of need.

Always remember that a sheep dog is never paranoid or thinking that the sky is falling.

A sheep dog is smart and only defends when it is time to do so.

Do you have a go-bag ready in case you need to leave your house and get in your car and drive to avoid disaster?

My truck gas tank is topped off. I am going to pick up an extra 5 gallons of gas for the generator.

I am not on city water as we have a well pump and draw water from the aquifer. The downside is that it is run with electricity.

So I have to run the generator to draw water into the house.  As a backup we fill up our bath tubs with extra water so that we can flush the toilets.

Our pantry is stocked with canned food – enough for several days. If needed I can pick up an extra bag of ice and put it in the Yeti cooler.

We have to be ready for at least 3 to 5 days without power depending on the severity of the storm.  During Hurricane Michael (2018) it took us a few days to get power back on. That was a big storm and a Category 5 when it hit shore. But we were very fortunate as many people in our area were without power for a week plus.

We had many limbs down in our yard and a few blocking the road to get out of our neighborhood. Later today I will be picking up a fresh blade for my small chain saw as a backup.

Are you prepared for anything at anytime?

What are the ways that you prepare your house and family for disaster?

Post up below – lets hear about it.

Are you Ready for Anything at Anytime? Sheepdog Training
Corona Virus – Are we panic buying yet?

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Do you have a big event on the horizon and you want to finish the drill?

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