Balancing Act: Unveiling the RevBalance Revolution FIT Board – A Fun and Effective Review

Embark on a fitness journey like never before with the RevBalance Revolution FIT board! In this comprehensive review, we’ll delve into the unique world of this balance-enhancing tool and explore how it can infuse excitement into your workouts while elevating your sense of equilibrium.

Since getting my hands on this game-changing board in July 2022, it has seamlessly integrated into my fitness routine, becoming a go-to companion for weekly balance training. Join me as we uncover the boundless possibilities and benefits that the RevBalance Revolution FIT board brings to the table, transforming mundane workouts into thrilling, dynamic challenges that boost balance and overall fitness.

Beyond its role in formal workouts, I’ve found an unexpected benefit in using the board as a quick break during my home office sessions. Stepping onto the board provides an instant mental awakening, forcing me to focus and maintain balance. As an older athlete aiming to enhance my balance skills, the FIT board has proven to be an effective tool.

I just step outside my office and on to the board and it wakes up my mind immediately as I have to focus to stay on.

Expanding functional fitness, the FIT balance board stands out as a versatile tool that maximizes the burn and adds excitement to exercise routines. It offers a departure from mundane workouts, bringing a new level of engagement. The non-stop core engagement provided by the constant instability created by the FIT board has significantly contributed to my core development. The FIT board has successfully injected an element of fun into my fitness journey, making it a valuable asset for anyone looking to improve balance and core strength.


The FIT balance board is a versatile tool that can expand your functional fitness.  Harnessing balance as a fitness tool, the FIT will maximize the burn and add excitement to your exercise routine. You can say goodbye to boring workouts.

The core is essential to maintaining balance. The constant instability created by the FIT kicks your core development into high gear.

Have you ever tripped over yourself, missed a step, or felt seasick? While the occasional awkward stumble or seaside misfortune may seem like an inconvenience, it’s our body’s natural way of letting us know we are out of equilibrium. Without this feedback, we wouldn’t be able to sit, walk, or perform most of our daily activities. Balance is our body’s ability to stabilize a disturbance in our natural equilibrium. Let’s take a look at how this complex system works, and what we can do to improve it.

How does balance work?

Our ears play a big part in helping us stay balanced. Inside our ears, there’s a system called the vestibular system, which has tiny hairs and fluid in semicircular canals. These canals are like tubes that give our bodies feedback. When we move, the hairs in these canals move too, sending a message to our brains that we’re not balanced, and our muscles have to adjust.

Apart from the ear part, there’s something called proprioception that also helps us balance. It’s in our muscles and joints, and it’s like our body’s sense of where it is. There are tiny things in our muscles that sense how tight they are, and this information goes to our brains, telling our limbs where they should be. It’s like knowing where your body is without looking, and it helps us move around safely every day.

Having good balance and proprioception is useful for everyday stuff, like walking to the kitchen or sitting at a table. But when we do sports or tough workouts that really challenge our bodies, these things work even harder to keep us steady.

Balance in Sport and Active Movement

Keeping steady during sports and moving around a lot is a big deal. When we exercise, we really push our bodies to the max. We make our balance system work faster than it usually does in our regular day. Team sports make it even tougher because we need to figure out what our teammates and opponents are doing and react super fast. The top athletes are always trying to get better at balancing by doing different exercises and activities.

Exercises for Balance

We’ve evolved to where the balancing process happens naturally, but there are a few activities you can practice to fine-tune the system.


By practicing a variety of poses that test your balance, you can refine your muscles to stabilize more quickly. Beginners can try the tree pose, a one legged balancing act accompanied by steady breathing. Yoga connects the mind, body, and breath to help you develop a stronger sense of balance from within.

Strengthen your Core

A strong core can help quickly stabilize your body when you’re feeling off. From crunches to yoga poses, there are a variety of core-engaging exercises that you can try. Find what works best for you and strengthen your equilibrium from the inside.

Slack line

This uniquely challenging sport is one of the fastest (and most difficult!) ways to test your balance. A flat rope is placed between two poles (or trees), and a bit of slack is left in the line to increase the difficulty. The user tries to make it from one end of the rope to the other without falling off. That is of course if you can get on the rope without falling off first!

Balance Board

Balance boards are used as a full-body workout, designed specifically to target your core and really challenge your balance skills. By placing the board on a roller or balance disc, the user is forced to maintain equilibrium to avoid letting the board touch the ground. Not only is this one of the most effective ways to improve your balance, but it is also incredibly fun and can be performed almost anywhere.

Whether you’re looking to improve your balance in everyday life or want to fine-tune your skills for competition, these four exercises will not disappoint. Like any muscle system, balancing is a skill that can be improved with practice.

RevBalance 32 Balance Board Review

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