SGPT Interviews Everyday Warrior Mark Allen Smith

Living on the farm you grow up learning values that will stick with you forever. Hard work, perserverance, teamwork – these are all traits that Everyday Warrior Mark Allen Smith learned the hard way growing up in northern Mississippi.

Check out Marks journey and he works his farm, builds functional fitness and gives back to his community. We are proud to bring you his story.

Tell us about yourself?

MAS: I am 41 years old and live in a small town of Wheeler, MS. This is a small town in North Mississippi. Approximately 20 miles north of Tupelo, MS. I have been married to Allison Wilkins Smith for 13 years and we have two daughters Millie (9) and Hallie Beth (7). Allison has been a teacher at Wheeler School for 13 years.

I am proud to be a lifelong resident of Prentiss County. I am a graduate of both Wheeler High School (2000) and Mississippi State University with a Bachelors Degree in Landscape Architecture (2005).

I am a member of Wheeler Baptist Church where I serve as deacon. I have been a business owner in North Mississippi for 7 years. I also have a cattle and hay operation on the farm where I was raised.

SGPT: Did you have an athletic background growing up?

MAS: Yes. I played basketball and baseball in high school. Our high school was very well known for its basketball tradition. Some even call it the “basketball capital” of the state. More than 30 times Wheeler has sent outstanding teams to the state championship in basketball. After high school I played baseball at the JuCo level.

SGPT: Tell us about your life working on the farm? Your days can be very hard with a lot of functional fitness?

MAS: I was born and raised on the farm where I still live today. Growing up my dad and I trained Walking horses and my grandfather was a cattle farmer. Life on the farm is full of long hot days and sometimes even longer nights. When there is a job to be done it has to get done no matter how hard it is or how tired you are. Farm life is full of functional fitness. From cutting and bailing hay to hauling hay. Working cattle, fixing fences, and even working on equipment all test your physical fitness. Just come help haul square bales of hay and stack in the barn and you will get all of a workout that you want.


SGPT: That must be very satisfying to know that you have worked hard and you can see the direct results in front of you.

MAS: Yes it is. Even with all the hard work it is very rewarding to see the fruits of your labor.

SGPT: You also train functional fitness to be ready for anything that the farm can throw at you. Tell us how you train?

MAS: I do a combination of SGPT workouts, some traditional bodybuilding movements (from time to time) as well as lately I have used resistance bands as I have recovered from a knee surgery. I like to mix my workouts up and keep them fresh. Kind of like working on the farm. You never know what may be thrown at you so I like to do a variety of workouts to help keep me ready for anything.

SGPT: How did you find the SGPT group and what did you learn?

MAS: I have followed SGPT for several years now. I have always liked the drive and determination of U.S. Navy SEALs so one day while looking for SEAL workouts I ran across SGPT online. I have learned a whole host of things from SGPT. But one thing that stands out is the community and added motivation it creates. Also, Coach Brad will reach out and check in from time to time and most other programs that I have tried in the past you would never hear from the top person. Coach Brad is genuinely concerned for members of SGPT.

SGPT: What good book are you reading? Or audio podcast?

MAS: Right now I am reading Swing your Sword by Mike Leach. Since I am a Mississippi State guy I found his book after coach Leach’s passing and it’s quite interesting.

SGPT: You have recently had surgery to repair your knee? Tell about that journey and your road to physical recovery.

MAS: We’ll that has been a journey for sure. I have had issues with a knee for the last 4 years. I had part of my kneecap that was chipped off and would get lodged underneath my kneecap and caused awful pain. I had gotten injections for 4 years and finally the Dr. advised me it was time to remove it so I could get back to 100%. The surgery was a little worse than I expected but after the initial healing and a couple months of physical therapy I feel like I am back to 100% and no pain. Just taking a little more time that I thought to rebuild those muscles around the knee after being down for a while.

SGPT: I am so glad that you got the surgery and are now back up and running.

SGPT: Now that you have your farm running well and your knee repaired – you are running for local office in your County? Tell us about that decision?

MAS: This has been something I have been praying about for a long time and now was the time to go for it. I am running for county supervisor in my district. My grandfather was supervisor when I was growing up and he had a servants heart and wanted to help the people of Prentiss county.

He did a lot to bring progress to our rural community and I feel like I can help others and bring more progress to our county. Like I mentioned earlier I have 2 young daughters and I want them to want to stay here in the county when they grow up and this is a way I can help others while also making the county better for future generations.

SGPT: Tell us about your ideas for improving the community within your county?

MAS: My slogan is Dedicated, Determined, Driven
*I am Dedicated to family & the core values that make up the family unit, to faith & the strong foundation it creates, to our community as a lifelong resident of the 3rd district, and to the protection of our constitutional rights.
*I am Determined to improve road conditions, to bring in new industry in order to create new job opportunities, to make Prentiss county a place where our children will want to remain & thrive!
*I am Driven to get the job done & to help the families and residents of the 3rd District.

SGPT: Thanks for the interview Mark. We know that you are a fighter and a leader and will improve others lives in your community. You have our vote.

MAS: Thank you! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I work hard each day to make my community a better place. I believe that change has to start at the local level and want to be a difference maker! Thanks Coach Brad for all your motivation and for your concern for others. SGPT is an awesome community.

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