The Rocking Chair Test

2013 has been an amazing year filled with ups and downs, triumphs and set backs.

It was rewarding to see Lauri Lovvorn knocked off her horse only to battle her way back to fight and win another battle. Athletes like Giancarlo Cefalo train hard – then to be denied of a immediate goal but keep his chin up and mind open.

These are the subtle lessons that many of us faced this past year – knowing that we have something better deep down inside and can always strive to learn and grow 1% daily.

Here is to a great year!


The Rocking Chair test
“Some day you will be sitting on the front porch in your rocking chair as an old man or woman and you may ask yourself…

“Did I make an impact on something or someone in my life?”. Maybe you will ask yourself if you followed your dreams and pushed yourself to do something extraordinary.”

How will you answer those questions? Do something about it today by developing a plan of action and moving forward towards your goal.

About the Author:
bradBrad McLeod knows first hand about mental toughness after being kicked out of a top tier Spec Ops training unit.

He failed out of BUD/S the first time after failing a math test (made it through Hell Week and Dive Pool Comp).

He came back a year later and graduated and served as an operator on the Navy SEAL Teams.

Today he helps Veterans and athletes around the world today having recently returned from Ireland, Southern California, Pennsylvania and parts unknown in north Florida.

SEALgrinderPT is a proud sponsor of the Navy SEAL Foundation and helping Veterans in need <”>you can check our progress here:

Unbeatable Mind Academy Review
10 Tips to Breaking through Plateaus
The Hidden Path
Tips to Breaking through Mental Barriers

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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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