Too Young to Quit

Too Young to Quit

kokoro class 29This past weekend at Kokoro camp 30 was great. There are not many times in life that we get to experience athletes being pushed to the outer edge – and break throughs happening.

Athletes seeing that they are capable of 20X more than they ever thought. Your abilities truly are limitless once you decide and focus.

One of the best parts of the whole weekend was a young athlete all of 16 years old. He was hanging tough but had his ups and downs.

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In one of his lower moments he decided to quit. The instructors first talked to him and tried to rationalize with him. He would have nothing to do with that.

A sage instructor – old and wise told him “Get back in line – your too young to quit”. This was all he needed as he walked back to the group. At that same time the whole class rallied around him like a wolf pack would to protect their young. They picked him up mentally as they told him he could do it and they would all be there to have his back.

The group left the scene from there and went on to the next event.

Sometimes you have to get over yourself. Get out of your own pain. Have someone else tell you that there is no other way and you must stay on the course.

I took that info and rolled it in my head. So true. Growing 1% daily. Learning.

SGPT Homework:
Decide today what you will do to not quit on your current goal. No matter the cost figure out how you will stay in the game when the going gets tough. Write that down on a 3 x 5 card and put it on your dream board or on your mirror. Only share it with someone who will support your dream.

About the Author:
bradBrad McLeod knows first hand about mental toughness after being kicked out of a top tier Spec Ops training unit. He failed out of BUD/S the first time after failing a math test (made it through Hell Week and Dive Pool Comp). He came back a year later and graduated and served as an operator on the Navy SEAL Teams.

His message is to never give up on your dreams!

Check out SEALgrinderPT Coaching to help you step up and take hold of your dreams and realize your goals.

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Unbeatable Mind Academy Review
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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