Navy SEAL Jocko Willink Lays it out Point Blank Why You Aren’t Reaching Your Goals

“Think about the lies you use to rationalize taking the easy road and leaving discipline behind. Stop the lies with the truth.”

Check out this awesome video where Jocko puts it point blank to a viewer asking how they can stop being a “chronic excuse-maker”.

“For many people, an excuse is better than an achievement because an achievement, no matter how great, leaves you having to prove yourself again in the future but an excuse can last for life.”


This is so true. People tend to make excuses when they fail and find it hard to own up to their own responsibility.

There are people out there with far more problems than you have. Athletes with one leg or a debilitating chronic condition. But yet they find a way to get up and get moving and push forward.

What are the excuses you find yourself using? How do you tend to lie to yourself? What are the ways you stop yourself and be truthful? If you were a chronic excuse-maker, how did you stop being one? Let us know in the comments below!


Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on What Does Discipline Really Mean?

The Quickest Way to Build Discipline in the Shortest Time

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