Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Protected: Workout 2-15-17

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Featured image for “Building Your Mind Like a Muscle”

Building Your Mind Like a Muscle

Research has shown that the more you use a part of your brain — the larger it will grow. Taxi drivers in London England have been tested and shown to have a large hippocampi. This portion of your brain helps you decipher spatial mapping (figuring out which way to go based on where you are).... Read More
Featured image for “Get Rid of This — Negative People”

Get Rid of This — Negative People

We have received this question more than once in the past 2 weeks. “Coach, How do you deal with negative people?”. “They are dragging me down as I try to move up – What do I do?” If you want to keep getting what your getting – keep on doing what your doing. You have... Read More

Protected: Workout 2-8-17

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Featured image for “10 Tips to Break Through Training Plateaus”

10 Tips to Break Through Training Plateaus

It happens to every athlete. You’re breaking personal record after personal record in the gym and then you get in a rut and are stuck at the same spot and can’t make improvements. What do you need to do to break through a training plateau? Here are a few ideas to help you off that table... Read More

Protected: Workout 2-7-17

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Protected: Workout 2-6-17

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Featured image for “5 Things to Never Say at BUD/S”

5 Things to Never Say at BUD/S

So you think you’re a real bad *ss and you made it through Navy Basic Indoc training in Great Lakes. Now it’s time to test your cojones as you step up to the big leagues of Special Warfare training. Here are a few tips on what to never say while in Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training... Read More

Protected: Workout 2-5-17

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Protected: Workout 2-4-17

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Sports Supplements for Special Forces Training

Can you enhance performance using sports supplements for Special Forces training, Navy SEAL, Rangers, Marine Recon and Air Force PJ’s? If you click on any link we may get a commission from which helps keep gas in the truck and the lights turned on. So if you want to help a disabled veteran – click... Read More
Featured image for “Training the Right Way vs the Wrong Way for Navy SEAL Training”

Training the Right Way vs the Wrong Way for Navy SEAL Training

When I went to BUDS the first time I trained all the wrong ways. It is a miracle I did not get kicked out in the first week I was there. Back home before I went into the Navy I was eating all the wrong foods. I lifted tons of weights in a bodybuilding gym... Read More

Protected: Workout 1-31-17

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Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Spartan Race Tough Mudder Lisa Kagzynski”

SGPT Interviews Spartan Race Tough Mudder Lisa Kagzynski

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? LK: I am a Laboratory Supervisor for a large pediatric practice with 4 offices. I am a divorced, single mother. My daughter is 17 and a freshman at Seton Hall University. SGPT: Did you have an athletic background growing up? LK: I played various sports throughout my childhood, as well... Read More
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with SEAL Grinder's Brad McLeod
To Achieve Your Goals

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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