Are YOU Waiting For YOUR Ship To Come In?

Are you waiting for your ship to come in? Are you standing on the shore, scanning the horizon, hoping that one day, your dreams will sail into your life without any effort on your part?

If that’s your strategy, it’s time for a reality check.

Success doesn’t come to those who wait; it comes to those who take action, who grind every day, and who embrace the grind with relentless tenacity. In the words of Navy SEALs like David Goggins and Jocko Willink, it’s time to stop waiting and start working.

Buckle up your hard-hat as we dive into the mindset, discipline, and strategies that these elite warriors use to achieve greatness and how you can apply the same principles to your own life.

Mindset: Embrace the Suck

Navy SEAL David Goggins, a man who embodies the epitome of mental toughness, teaches us one fundamental truth: embrace the suck.

Life is hard. Challenges are inevitable. Waiting for things to get easier is a waste of time.

Goggins’ story is one of pain and triumph. From an abusive childhood to overcoming obesity and completing the grueling Navy SEAL training, he shows us that the key to success is to face adversity head-on and push through the discomfort.

The first step is to change your mindset. Stop looking at challenges as obstacles and start seeing them as opportunities to grow.

When you embrace the suck, you train your mind to endure and thrive under pressure.

This mental shift is crucial for anyone waiting for their ship to come in.

Instead of waiting, start building your own ship, plank by plank, with unwavering determination.

Discipline: The Backbone of Success

Jocko Willink, another legendary Navy SEAL, emphasizes the power of discipline. Discipline equals freedom.

This is the mantra that drives his philosophy. Willink believes that without discipline, dreams remain just that—dreams.

To turn them into reality, you need a structured, consistent approach to your goals.

Willink’s daily routine is a testament to his commitment to discipline. Waking up at 4:30 AM every day to work out is non-negotiable.

This isn’t about being a morning person; it’s about setting the tone for the day and proving to yourself that you have control over your actions.

Discipline in small things leads to discipline in all things.

For those waiting for their ship, this means setting a schedule and sticking to it. Break your goals down into daily tasks and hold yourself accountable.

It’s not about grand gestures; it’s about the daily grind, the small steps that accumulate over time and lead to monumental achievements.

Strategies: Take Extreme Ownership

In their book “Extreme Ownership,” Willink and his SEAL brother Leif Babin outline a strategy for success that revolves around taking complete responsibility for everything in your life.

When you take extreme ownership, you stop making excuses and start finding solutions. This principle applies not only to leadership but to every aspect of personal and professional development.

Are you waiting for your career to take off? Take ownership of your skills and knowledge. Invest time in learning, seek feedback, and adapt.

Waiting for a relationship to improve? Take ownership of your actions and communication. Whatever the situation, the solution starts with you.

This strategy also involves prioritizing and executing. Identify the most critical tasks that will move you towards your goals and tackle them with laser focus.

Don’t get bogged down by minor distractions or setbacks. Stay mission-oriented and relentlessly pursue your objectives.


Waiting for your ship to come in is a passive approach that yields nothing but frustration and wasted time. Instead, channel the mindset, discipline, and strategies of Navy SEALs like David Goggins and Jocko Willink.

Embrace the suck, cultivate discipline, and take extreme ownership of your life. These principles are not just for elite warriors; they are for anyone who wants to achieve greatness.

Stop waiting and start building. Your ship isn’t coming to you. You need to swim out to it, seize it, and steer it towards your destiny.

The journey will be tough, the waters rough, but with the right mindset and unwavering discipline, you will not only reach your destination but conquer it. It’s time to stop waiting and start acting. Get after it.


Brad McLeod went through Navy SEAL training Hell Week twice after training all the wrong ways. A year later he went back and finished the drill.

Are you interested in training for an endurance event like SEALFIT 20X, GORUCK or a Spartan Race? Do you want to increase your human potential so that you can move faster to your goals?

Do you have a big event on the horizon and you want to finish the drill?

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